A walk into disater

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Chapter 4:

My alarm sounded and I threw a pillow at it to shut it off. It was Saturday 7:00 a.m. and I forgot to turn off my alarm yesterday. I got up reluctantly and went to check my calendar to see if I had anything planned.

It was March 24, 2013.

Oh, Damh!

I completely forgot about the town's annual music festival. I went in to my closet and searched for a decent outfit. I picked out a white t-shirt with a leather jacket, black jeans, and black flats. I also grabbed a pair of sweats and a batman t-shirt since I wasn't going to wear the outfit until 4:00.

I headed into my bathroom and left it open since my bathroom is also in my room. As I showered, I started singing 'I will be' by Leona Lewis. Then I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth.

I walked into my room and discovered my puppy, Sparks quietly laying on top of a pile of dirty clothes. He looked so cute so I didn't move him. I changed into my t-shirt and sweats.

As soon as I headed to my bedroom door, Sparks got up and walked beside me. I didn't want Sparks to be put in his cage because he did his business on floor so I grabbed his leash and he started jumping up wildly. I let out a small giggle as he jumped. I wrote a small note telling my parents I was out walking Sparks and left it on the fridge. I grabbed my a hoodie, my phone and my keys and ran out the door with Sparks.

I put my headphones on and jogged around the block with my pup. Then the unthinkable happened when I turned the corner and saw the Jerk jogging my way. He had his headphones in his ears and was wearing a pair of sweats and a grey hoodie.

I tried to guide Sparks into the other direction but he thought otherwise and pulled me towards Alex. He pulled so hard that I lost grip of his leash and he went running to Alex as if that was his father or something. I went running after Sparks as he made his way to Alex.

"Sparks" I yelled.

But that dog just ignored me and kept running. Alex was obviously caught off guard and almost tripped when Sparks approached him. I caught up and quickly grabbed his leash before he could go any further.

I looked up and the jerk just stood there chuckling at my frantic attempt to catch Sparks. I scowled at him and got up.

"Hey babe, I knew you couldn't stand to stay away from me," he said with a smirk on his face.

I was resisting the urge to just slap him and watch his pretty little smile disappear.

"Actually I was just walking my dog as you can see, genius," I retorted.

"Wow, someone woke up a little feisty this morning."

"Fuck off!"

And with that I turned away from him and walked calmly to my house. I might be shy at certain times but I had one heck of a temper that could be let loose on anyone who dared to challenge me. Then suddenly Alex popped up beside me and nearly scared the life out of me.

"You know stalking me isn't going to convince me into falling for you."

"It isn't considered stalking if you're walking towards your house."

I froze and studied his face to see if he was kidding but the look on his face was dead serious. I watched as he walked away and arrived at his place. He lived a few doors down from mine and I've never noticed. I guess I wasn't a very social neighbor.

As he opened his door, he sent me a wink and entered his house. I ignored the thoughts that streamed into my mind and walked into my own house.

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