The Music Festival

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Chapter 6:

When Katliyn and I got to the music festival we were surprised to see the band still setting up their equipment. A stereo was blasting the song ' If you can't hang' by Sleeping with the Sirens.

"Wow, and I thought we would be late."

"See I told you we'd be here on time to see all the band. They're still setting up."

I rolled my eyes and put my brownies on the food table. I looked and around and everyone was either dancing or chatting with one another. Katilyn already left to mingle with people she knew. I was brought back to reality when Crystal and Harvey appeared right in front of me.

"Earth-to-Sophia! Is there anyone home?" Crystal said jokingly.

"Hey," I said as I smiled at them.

They smiled back and exchanged hugs with me.

"Aren't you excited?!" Crystal squealed.

"Absolutely, of course I am I've been waiting months for this event." I said happily.

Harvey just stood there and rolled his eyes at us but smiled while doing it.

"Oh, come on Harvey I know that there is a part of you that is just screaming in the inside. You don't have to be so uptight all the time," I teased.

"Says the girl who stresses when it comes to schoolwork," he retorted.


Then, we heard someone announcing something over the microphone so we gave that person our undivided attention. The person was desperately trying to get everyone attention but they were still talking amongst themselves. She did the only sensible thing when a large crowd was ignoring you: she dropped the microphone on the floor of the stage. There was a loud high-pitched that caught everyone's attention. As she bent down to retrieve the microphone she received a few nasty glares from people.

"Good Afternoon, my name is Denise Johnson and welcome to the 50th anniversary of Arizona's annual music festival." She announced.

The crowd cheered and then silenced again when Denise lifted her hand to signal silence.

"This afternoon we have a few bands and artists that were willing to take some time from their busy schedules to perform for us so let's show them some respect."

Denise got off the stage and the curtain lifted. One of my favorite bands were standing on the stage Pierce the Veil and they were playing on my favorite songs: Bulletproof love! There were a few girls screaming including me and Crystal. Harvey joined in too just to mimic us and the three of us burst into laughter.

I remained silent for the rest of the song and enjoyed the beat of the drums. Then the band played their song King for a day with Kellin Quinn from the band Sleeping with the Sirens. This is one of the best moments of my life!

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