☆you do it or i will☆

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this story is only billzo and tommy next one is fridde x tommy.

tommy line

billzo line

tommy and billzo have been dating for 4 months now they didn't have their relationship out yet and also tommy was even out yet. the only people who knew tommy was gay was tubbo and wilbur. even though billzo didn't want to rush tommy with coming out. he begin getting impatient. bill wanted people to know about them being together. bill hated this feeling but he could't hlep it. he talk to tommy about telling their friend but tommy shut off that idea. all billzo wanted to do was to be able to kiss his boyfriend in public than being worried about being caught. he also wanted to have tommy on stream and being able to peak his lips every now and than on camera or in Irl. he knew it not easy for tommy to come out when there so many eyes on him.

"hey bill, i have to film a video for my vlog and no one wants to go with me.... so do you want to do it with me."

they were on a private discord call.

"wow tom, glad to know i was your last choice!" bill laughed. he wasnt hurt that he was tommy last choice.

"bill its not like that"

"yes i know toms, you dont want anyone to see us doing questioable thing in public.its not like im gonna fuck you." bill could't hlep but smile.

"ill be the one fucking you" tommy whispred to himself.

" hmm?!  what was that toms?" bill teased into the mic." your such a brat.

the two laughed and contined to chat

"oh tom! i forgot to ask, what is this vlog about?

tommy paused for a second.

"it about sky diving nothing that crazy"

billzo thought for a few second.he was talking a long time to say somthing so he thought tommy was think he didnt want to do the vlog.

"hey im not saying i wont do it! here the deal..... you come out and I'll do the video."

tommy was shocked that his boyfriend was really pressuring him like this!?

"Bill... im not ready to do that yet. you know that..."

billzo was starting to get annoyed

"tommy we've been together for 4 months now. l 'm not sure how long i keep it a secrect anymore." It's ethier you do it or i Wll."

"Bill... you're gonna to out me" tommy can feel tears gathering in his eye."

"im only going to if you don't"

tommy could just deny the facts that he was gay if bill told people. or just say its a rumor

"tommy i'm only just trying to hlep you! i would never do somthing to hurt you!? you're taking to long to tell people, you trusted telling me, so you should trust me telling other people!"

tommy opened twitter

"what do i say..?"

bill had a smiled on his side, he was happy tommy chose to do it himslef, bill was trying to hlep his beloved boyfriend. but tommy knew this wasn't about the video. so the chose to tell people himself.

"Just say that your coming out for the sake of your relatioship, you know the truth.

tommy started to type.this is what he said

HEY EVERYONE. i've decided for my reationship that im officially coming out this is no joke im coming out as BI. bilzo and i have been together for 4 months now.i hope that you can accept me for what i am <3"

"Aww that good and cute i love it, now post it."

tommy hovered over the tweet button.

" your sure bill.

"yes tommy dose this relationship mean nothing to you...? your starting to piss me off."

tommy can hear the anger in his boyfriend voice.although bill isnt really an angry person in public, he dose usually get mad at tommy in private when he dose somthing wrong. bill likes to blame it on tommy being 'inexperienced or that it tommy first relationship with a guy. tommy hits the button.

'yay god job you made the right choice.its starting to get late L'll see you tormorrow okay.

they said their goodbye and i love you. tommy hung up than he lost it. the tears broke though his eye and ran down his cheek tommy sobbed he wanted to scream he was wondering why he felt this way he made the right choice Right..? but if tommy can go to bed knowing that his boyfriend is happy with him. tommy will be happy too.

bye yall

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