♤i can tell you miss me♤

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*in last year of highschool*

*billzo and Tommy kissing*
You can't tell anyone about this-billzo

It been 8 months you know what never talk to me again I wanna be with someone that not scared of what people think of them- Tommy

K whatever - billzo

2 years later

*In club*

No one pov:

Billzo in the club just looking around and drinking. And than see Tommy's coming to his table

Hey toms-billzo
What do you want:Tommy
Nothing but how life?-billzo
Good I guss I'm getting married in 2 weeks- Tommy
Oh to ranboo?
Yeah he's a great guy-tommy

[Tommy's mind]
I guss after 2 years I still love Bill but I getting married to ranboo I also kinda love ranboo.

You know toms I still miss you- billzo
Bill you know I'm getting married in 2 weeks-tommy
Fine than I guss I leave you alone-billzo
*Gets up*
NO don't leave-Tommy

Tommy gets up and get closes to Bill and kisses Bill.

[Billzo mind]
I like the way you kiss me Tommy I can really tell that you miss

What about ranboo?-billzo

He's been cheating on me with tubbo so idc- Tommy

So why were you going to marry him? -billzo

For his money I ain't that stupid he fucking shoved tubbo in the closet 🤣- Tommy

Heh you really did change more than me so how bout you be a runway groom?- billzo

Yeah you could be my get away car- tommy

K here's my phone number I never gived to you while we were dating so you can have it now my sunshine- billzo

See you at the wedding my Billy-Tommy

*the wedding day*
We are gathering here today for the marriage of ranboo beloved and Tommy Simon's-prist( idk what there called)

[Tommy mind]

I see billzo out side in the conner of the church waiting and ofc I see tubbo looking jealous heh you can have ranboo tubbo you guys are made for each other two back stabbing bitches

Do you ranboo beloved take Tommy Simon's as your husband?-prist

I do-ranboo

Tommy Simon's
Do you take ranboo beloved as your husband-prist

I do.....


[Tommy's mind again]

I take a run for it and see ranboo following me
I jump in side the car cuz it was open
And I see ranbok surprised at billzo he never thought I would be with billzo again

Ranboo pov:
As the prist asked Tommy the same question I thought he was going to say yes but no he say NO and runaway with BILLZO?
What the fuck I never thought he get back with HIM?!
Ugh I try to run after them but it wasn't really hlep cuz they had a fucking car and I had to run with my legs

So I walk back for the church
And everyone starts asking my questions

3 months later

Tommy pov:
I got back with billzo and I stated to live with him everything was going great but I still remberi had to get some stuff from ranboo so I got ready with Bill and we went to his house I knocked at the door
And I wasn't surprised to tubbo opening the door his eyes widen
Tommy what are you doing here?
I need to get someone of my thing-Tommy
Your lucky ranboo didn't throw any of shi away it still in the room-tubbo
I stated walking to my old room and see ranboo lying in the bed looking hella depressed his eye shot up when he saw me

I'm just here to get my stuff-Tommy
Tommy can you plss take me back-ranboo
I was to busy getting my stuff that I didn't answer him-Tommy
Plss Tommy just get back with me and we can live happily and we also can try to get married again-ranboo
No ranboo I know you were cheating on me with my fucking best friend I'm not that fucking stupid but you know what I'm not mad you guys are made for each other to back stabbing lairs
Plss get back with me I even dump tubbo plsss
No I'm with billzo now and I'm also done so have a bad life ranboo

I leave the house to my new life with someone I always loved

2 years later
Here I was at the same church I ran away from but this time to say yes to my lover




I been having the beat life with my husband we adopted a kid name Alan he a great kid we both have a good jobs that paying well so I guss I got a happy ending and I also heard that tubbo was cheating on tubbo on their wedding day so I guss cheater get cheated on...

The end🗣

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