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Freddie line

tommy line

Strolling around London had always been one of Tommy's favorite activities. Especially when vlogging with a bunch of friends! This time however, is a different story.The previous night had been long and filled with a lot of one-on-one time with freddie. Very passionate one-on-one time if you catch my drift.It was their first time, and it was very special to the both of them. But now that Tommy has to walk around a massive city on weak legs, he's kinda regretting not rescheduling the vlog when he had a chance.

freddie walks next to Tommy keeping a close eye on him in case his legs decide to give out at some point.Wilbur walks on the other side of Tommy, giving the two a knowing look. They were being too obvious. When you're with someone and you share glances, and brush against each other's fingers, while one has shaky legs, it's not very hard to figure out what has happened.

In short, Wilbur's very observant. Tubbo and Jack do a little jog to catch up with the group after they have strayed.jack walks behind Tommy and notices a red mark peeking out from under the collar of his shirt. At first he thinks nothing of it, brushing it off as a bug bite.As time passes and Jack gets closer to Tommy he notices a few other marks decorating his pale skin.Jack furrows his brows and leans in. The more he studied the marks the less they look like some sort of bug bite, and more like bruises or-

"Is that a hickey!?" Jack criticizes, in a loud voice.

Everyone freezes and looks at Jack.

When they all see him looking at Tommy, they all face him.

"No!" Tommy flushes, smacking a hand over his nape.

freddie's cheeks quickly heat up a little while Wilbur lifts a hand to contain his snicker.

"Tommy! Did you have sex recently!?" Tubbo exclaims.

"No...!" Tommy croaks.

"Who's your bitch!?" Tubbo shouts. "And why haven't you told me!?"

Wilbur shifts his gaze to freddie, amused with the situation and Tommy's shocked stuttering.

"Should we help him out?" Wilbur nudges freddie.

freddie glances at Wilbur and licks his dry lips. He takes a breath then shifts his gaze back to his blonde boyfriend.

"Tommy you better tell me- us right now!" Jack commands.

Tommy's face becomes a darker shade of red. He lifts his arms and buries his face in them to hide.

"What was it like!?" Tubbo takes a few steps towards Tommy, leaning in excitedly.

"Wha-at was what l-like...?" Tommy peeks through his arms.

"Sex!" Tubbo shouts.

"Pussy!" Jack adds.

"No pussy..." freddie mutters.

"What was that?" Jack looks up at freddie.

"I said, there was no pussy." freddie repeats.

Tommy's eyes widen and he whips towards freddie to see him almost equally as red.

"Were you there?" Tubbo jokingly asks.

freddie tenses and goes dead silent.

"Oh. Oh shit!" Jack cringes. "Gross, man! Did you two actually fuck!?"

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