☆now you wont forget me☆

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"That was mental!" Tommy and Billzo were walking back to the changing room after filming Tommy paragliding vlog, "It really was! I wish we could do something else before I have to leave tomorrow..." The energy shifted, the two went from feeling happy to just disappointed, "Way to ruin the mood." Tommy elbowed Bill while they walked, "Heh.. sorry Toms, I just wish I could spend more time with you!" The two reached the main building where the changing rooms were. "Bill, we spend almost every day together, It's not like I'm going to forget you!" Tommy thanked the staff for letting them film and such
'I'll make sure he remembers me' Bill thought to himself

"Come on Bill." Tommy grabbed Bill's hand and dragged him to the locker room to get out of the dirty suits they were in, they were covered in dirt and sweat. "Bill, can I borrow your hoodie? I forgot mine." Bill dug through his bag to find anything Tommy could use, "Uh, hold on, I have something in here..." Tommy started to get undressed while he waited, so by the time bill was done, he was just in his boxers. "Here you go Toms!" Bill turned around and saw Tommy half naked self, it's not the first time he's seen Tommy like this but it was definitely around the 3rd or 4th."Uh... here um, I..." Bill's face turned light pink from the sight of Tommy's body, "Bill... Are you okay?" Tommy laughed and grabbed the hoodie from Bill's hands, he slipped it on and dug through his bag for pants. Bill knew it was now or when he came back from America, so he knew what he had to do. Who wants to wait 3 months for sex? Not Bill, so he stood behind Tommy and grabbed his ass. Tommy flinched, "B-bill! What the hell...?" Bill grined, Tommy shook his head, "Oh you horny fuck-" Bill grabbed Tommy face and started kiss him softly, he wanted to savor this moment for as long as he could.

The two started to move their lips faster and kiss harder, Bill stuck his tongue into Tommy's mouth forcefully. Bill started to run his cold fingers up the hoodie Tommy borrowed, Bill pulled it off over Tommy's head disconnecting their lips. "You're so perfect Toms..." Bill looked Tommy's body up and down then met his eyes, this was gonna be the 3rd time with each other, if Tommy says yes. Bill put his lips up to Tommy's neck and started to make little hickes all along his jawline, neck, and collarbone. Tommy started to whimper a tad every time Bill would get near his collarbone, Bill knew it was his sweet spot.
Bill wanted Tommy to remember him every time he looked in the mirror, he wanted him to see those spots and have to go through the hassle of covering them up every time he streamed. He wanted Tommy to remember this moment until Bill came back from his trip.Bill got up to Tommy's ear "Can I...?" Tommy nodded with lustful eyes, "Please do Bill..." Bill looked around for somewhere to lay Tommy down, he spotted a very wide bench that could definitely fit 2 people, maybe even three. It's not gonna be comfortable but it's gonna have to work. Bill reconnected their lips and guided Tommy to the bench. Tommy sat down and Bill got on top of him, still making out.

Bill got up and started to take the rest of his clothing off, Tommy laid down on the bench. "Call us bench duo, huh Toms?" Tommy scoffed "Please dont reference the Dream SMP when we're about to fuck eachother..." Bill laughed and then climbed onto Tommy, he leaned down to the other neck once more and made marks. Bill started to grind down onto Tommy's lower half, which caused some soft moans and sighs. "If you need me to stop, tell me. Okay...?" Tommy nodded, "O-okay..." Bill crept his fingers to Tommy's boxers, slowly slipping them off.

Bill tossed the boxers aside and brought 3 fingers up to Tommy's mouth, Tommy stuck them into his mouth and started to suck. Bill didn't have to say anything, Tommy already knew what to do. The two weren't really into dirty talk, so they were usually silent besides the moans and Bill checking up Tommy every once and awhile.
Once he thought they were done, Bill pulled out his finger and lined them up to Tommy's hole. Bill gave Tommy a look and got a nod to proceed in return, so Bill stuck one in. Tommy let out a shaky breath, "You can do another..." Bill stuck another finger in, Tommy softly moaned and moved his hips. "Impatient now are we?" Bill took this as an opportunity to move his fingers deeper and try to find Tommy's prostate. After some searching he found it, Tommy bucked his hips and moaned loudly. Bill stuck a 3rd finger in and started to attack the spot, Tommy threw his head back and covered his mouth. "B-bill..." Tommy moaned from under his hand.Bill suddenly stopped and pulled his fingers out, he didn't want Tommy to cum without him having some pleasure too. Bill lined himself up to Tommy, "You ready?" Tommy nodded and covered his mouth. Bill held onto Tommy's hips and slowly moved. Once Bill bottomed out he moved slowly, Tommy tried to move his hips, "Toms, you can just ask me." Bill leaned down to Tommy's neck and waited, "B-bill... faster... please.." Bill moved his hips faster and faster, he threw his head back. "Tommy.. I-I'm close.." Without warning Tommy came first, "In... or out Toms?"

"In.." Bill moved faster and finally came, the two were a panting mess. Bill pulled out and Tommy started to clean them up, Tommy put Bill's hoodie back on and his own boxers. Bill leaned over to Tommy's neck and touched it slightly, he admired all the hickes and little bruises.
"Looks like you wont forget about me while I'm gone...huh."

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