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billzo lines

tommy's line

. Tommy and his friends were staying in London as a fun trip to just hang out and maybe vlog.

"Phil and I are gonna go meet Will at the train station, are you coming?" billzo asked after also setting his stuff down.
"Nahh, I'm gonna take a nap- I'm exhausted."

That was a lie. Tommy had been feeling horny all day, and being around billzo didn't make it any better. Tommy had always had the biggest crush on the man, no matter how much he acted like he hated it. He needed some time alone.
"Jack and Tubbo are here already, they're sharing one of these rooms, text them and ask for the number if you get bored.."

"You're not my mother, stop worrying and go get Wilbur!" Tommy ushered the older out the door. They said their goodbyes and as the door closed, Tommy let out a large sigh.

"Fuck..." The blonde muttered as he realized he had forgot his toy, of course the one trip he actually needed it he had left in in his dresser.

Tommy had always had a hard time getting off without something in his ass, so this might take longer than he would like.Tommy was under the impression that he'd take maybe 10 minutes, quick and easy, but no. Here he was, desperately fucking himself on his fingers, unable to get any closer to cumming than he would with just his and on his cock. The boy had lost track of time, all he was focused on was release. He was in a trance, tunnel vision, so much taht he didn't hear the hotel door opening. As soon as billzo walked in he was met with the best sight.

One of his best friends fingering himself as hard as possible. "Tommy!!" 

"What the hell? You got back so FAST!?" Tommy yelled, acting like it was billzos fault he got caught.

 "I was gone for at least two hours!"


"How fucking long can it take to get off??" billzo asked in disbelief, how could the boy go for so long? "

L-listen, you don't know my requirements.." in an attempt to make the situation go away, Tommy had made it worse.

 "Oh? Okay then what are they?" "

I can't really.. get off on my fingers yknow..?"

billzo gathered the little courage he had. "Do you.. would- do you want help?" The taller asked with a quiet voice.

Tommy's face flushed and he brought the sheets up to cover the red growing on his cheeks

. "Really..?" "Yes.. only if that's okay with you?" billzo asked, sitting in the youngers bed.

 "Y-yes please.." Tommy mumbled.

That was enough for billzo, he took the sheet off of the small boy. Tommy's skin was pale, but slightly flushed. The older boy leaned to kiss Tommy, trailing his hand down to the blondes dick. Tommy happily leaned into the kiss, loving every second of it. As soon as billzo put his large hands around Toms small cock, his back snapped upwards.

"Youre so sensitive~"billzo said as he pulled away 

"Sh-Shut up.." Tommy whined as he went back in, he tried his hardest to sound mad, but it came out as more of a plead to be nice.

The kiss deepened and billzo slid his thumb over Toms slit, making to blonde buck his hips again.

"Stop teasing and fuck me already!" Tommy yelled as he pulled away.

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