Chapter 1:

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Harry knew something was wrong immediately after he touched the triwizered cup. He opened his eyes and found he and Cedric were no longer in the maze. They were in a graveyard. "It was a portkey..." He said more to himself. "Get to the cup. We need to get to the cup now!" Harry turned to Cedric when he said the last word. Cedric could see the fear in his eyes.

"Kill the spare," a raspy voice said. Harry turned to see Wormtail, no Peter Petergrue cast the killing curse. He didn't think he didn't have to, as he pushed Cedric out of the way. He could feel the world go cold around him, but that was the only thing that told him he was dead. Harry stood up.

"Take the cup and go." Harry closed his eyes. He could feel the cold power filling his body. He knew Cedric wanted to argue. "Go now, I am not sure how long I can keep him at bay..." Harry opened his eyes and looked at the other boy. The cold had reached his eyes, and the whites of his eyes were filling with black magic. "Please," he cried. Cedric nodded and ran to the port key and was gone in a moment. Harry turned to Peter and sighed. "I can't keep him away much longer, even if I wanted to..." he said, then walked forward. "He told me last year that you owe me a life debt, so he won't kill you unless I ask." He looked at the potion and took the knife in a confused Peter's hand and cut himself and let the blood drip into the coldren. He wasn't fully willing to give Tom my blood in this state, so it would still work in the potion. He just hoped it didn't make Tom immortal.

"It won't master unless you want him to be immortal." The cold voice of Death echoed around the graveyard as Tom was reborn. "Now, WHO USED THE KILLING CURSE ON MY MASTER!"

Harry sighed, "Mortem, calm down. Also, how many times have I told you to stop calling Master? Albus Dumasadoor still has the elder wand. I can't be your master until I get the wand. You told me yourself after I died from the dementores."

Tom watched in surprise as the young boy talked to Death like the other man was anyone else. Tom had long been scared of Death...

"You should be. If it wasn't for Harry, you would have stayed dead that night you killed him for the first time." Death said. Tom backed up.

"What have I told you about reading other people's minds? It's not like he can kill me, I am currently dead." Harry turned to Tom before the cold in his body became too much, and he fell to the even colder ground. His breath was completely gone now.

"Master! You need to let go of the death magic!" As Death said this, Tom summoned his death eaters. One of them went to attack Harry before Tom could stop them.

Harry looked up at the witch and sighed. "I am sorry," he whispered before releasing the death magic, killing the witch instantly. Harry looked at death. "Give what little mercy you are willing to give..." He said before passing out in Death's arms.

As you wish master.

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