Chapter 12 (Harry)

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I feel my life force drain into the woman in front of me when I hear Death's thoughts in the corner of my mind. I sighed inwardly as I turned to the immortal. "Leave, and take them with you. St. Mangos should be safe..." I didn't want to think of what would have happened to the baby girl if I had not been here.

Death nodded and left only to shadow-step back into the room as I finished destroying the drop of blood that was left. I turned as the efermore entered the room.

He steps back. " are you here? I would have been alerted...magic users..." He said the last part to himself.

"I am more than a simple magic user," I said as the shadows showed me the man's thoughts. "You have anger my immortals..."

'More than a magic user... all for the better I suppose. All the better blood for the potion...Wait, where is my potion lad, what is going on here?' The man thought. He finally realized something was wrong.

"I hate being ignored, and I don't think my immortal ignoring me either," I gave him a dark smile as cuts appeared all over me. "A simple cutting curse won't do you much..." I said as most of them healed but I left the one on my palm open. I could feel the blood drip out slowly as my scythe formed.

The man struggled and cast spell after spell. What he didn't know was that magic came from the potion. The more he used the magic, the more the potion was used up, and the closer he was bringing himself to the end. The potion didn't cure his cancer.....just put it in a dormant state. The moment the magic was gone... well you can guess.

"What are you doing to me..." He was panting hard now. "What magic have used on me!" He was so demanding. I didn't even hold back as I rolled my eyes.

"And this is the reason we don't give you muggles magic. You don't understand that magic has a price. An exspeshaly high price for muggles like you." I start to walk back and forth in front of him. "No magical core, no way to contain the magic. The magic flows through you muggles uncontrolled. Yes, it lets you use magic without a wand, but it also drives you insane..... the more you use that magic, the more addictive it becomes. You are running low on magic and have no way to get more... the magic was only temporarily put your cancer into hibernation..." I trail my blood scythe along the ground as he realizes what is currently happening to him.

I watched as he tried to fight the shadows saying I was lying. I was getting tired of this and it was almost time for dinner. I sighed and then lifted my scythe, cutting his head straight off.

VILINCE IS FINALLY OVER!!!!!!! (Miner cursing will continue from this moment forward.)

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