Chapter 3

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The gringotts letter arrived soon after Harry woke up. He knew Fate must have entertained because he was sure Dumbledore would have done everything he could to stop the letter getting to him. "I am going to have to thank him least he isn't the worst of the immortals." Harry said to himself as he opened the letter:

Dear Mr Potter
It has come to our attention that our letters to you over the years never arrived. We are looking into it as we speak. Due to your participation in the triwizered cup, you are now considered a legal adult. We goblins wish to speak to you about your parents' wills. We understand it might be hard to get here, so we turned the letter in a portkey. To activate it, say gold. Hope we see you soon,

Harry didn't even need to think about it. He rushed to his common room and got his stuff. On the way there, he found Hominey. He knew he really was going to have to thank Fate now. "Granger, I just got a portkey from gringotts. Do you want to come with."

She gave him a skeptical look. "Your paying," was all she said before leaving to get her stuff. Once she was done, she groped the letter, as I said 'gold'

Griphook was waiting when we arrived. Fate, as well as some of the other immortal, were present. "It is nice to see you again, Griphook." Harry turned to Fate. "I guess I have you to that for making this all possible?" I asked.

"There is no need to thank me. Death would kill me if I didn't help." Fate said, and the other immortal agreed.

I gave them a sipithetic look before turning back to a lightly shocked goblin. "I thought I told you that I was the future master of Death when we were alown while Hagrid was getting something from Dumasadoor in the first year?"

"You never said anything about the other immortal, but I should have guessed." Griphook said to only I could understand. "OK, Harry, Mrs. Granger, or should I say riddle, please follow me." He led them to his office, were Tom and a few other were waiting. I was not surprised to see Narcissa and Lushes. Who did surprise me was Magonigle.

"This is perfect, thanks, Fate." I say as I take my seat. The immortal is not fare behind. "Griphook, which do you think we should do first? My parents wills or the inherentice test?"

He pulls out my parents' wills with a wicked smile. I just nod as the last of the people enter the room. Sirius comes to sit by me, not noticing the immortal. Snape sits by Remus, and Dumasadoor has to stand at the side. "Harry has asked for his parents wills to be read, and as the Lord of the noble house of Potter, and several more I will not name at this time, I hear by grant his request. I smiled as the room looked confused

"You know I am the only one here that understands goblin speech, right?" I ask him. He just gives me a wicked smile as everyone turns to me. "What, I wanted to learn. I am also learning how to speak siren after the second trial and dementor after what happened at the end of last year... I am going to shut up now." I said. Not because of the looks people were giving me. I didn't care about them. I just want the wills to be over with.


Hi everyone! I was surprised to have so many readers! Thank you so much. I would enjoy commenting, they help a lot.

I would love suggested on who I should pair together. I don't care if it is boy×boy, girl×girl, or boy×girl!!!

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