Chaper 8

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Even without Ronald making me feel guilty, I use my money sparingly. As I was a grown up now, and Dudly wasn't in danger, I was going to move away.

I look at my submissive as he keeps eyeing a particularly pretty black dress. Before I left to check out, I grabbed it when he wasn't looking. I was surprised to learn that it didn't cost much. I internally rolled my eyes but didn't say anything as I grabbed the bag of clothes.

I took my mate's arm and led him to a small eating place for dinner. "Come on, I can tell you're hungry," I said as I took a seat. "Pick whatever you want, I'm paying," I tell him.

When the food arrives, I smile slightly as I watch him eat. We don't eat much and end up taking more than half of the food with us. We met up with the others after we were done.

"I am going to be staying with the Malfoys for the summer, is that ok?" Dudley asked like a lost puppy that was pulled into two different directions. I smile and ruff up his hair.

"Go with your mate. I will see you later, so don't worry about me." I shoo him closer to the family of blonds. I turn to see Tom talking with his newly found daughter. "Like daughter like father," I say more to myself than anyone else.

"They both love books and see getting expelled as worse than death," Severus said from beside me. "I am honestly not surprised, but this doesn't mean I am going to go easy on either of you."

"Trust me, it would be amazing to stop holding back. I knew how to make that nutrition potion a year before you even said anything about it. Potions are like cooking, and if there is anything that I am better at than cooking, I don't know it."

"Not dying, maybe," Haminie said as she and Tom came over. "This doesn't mean that we are friends, just allies."

I rolled my eyes and shook her hand. "Allies, sure, whatever you say. Let's make a deal. You get to kill Ronald and I get to murder Dumbledore's oh-so-perfect daughter."

"Deal, wait Ginerva is Dumbledore's daughter?" She asked like she didn't hear me right.

"Ronald and Ginerva. Neither of them has ever gotten real detention even when Ginerva was caught making and serving me a love potion." I say. "Why else do you think I didn't ask her to that stupid dance? I never wanted to go in the first place. I swore on my magic that I didn't put my name in, yet I still had to compete."

She was speechless, along with her father. I didn't mind the silence. The feeling of my mate's hand in mine made me realize how late it had gotten. We said goodbye and goodnight and Severus appointed us to his house. I smiled as I walked in.

"You can have your own room if you want," Sev said and I could tell he was nervous.

"If you want me to sleep with you, I will. You just have to ask ok?" I asked him before calling Dobby. "Hey Dobs, can you get my stuff from Hogwarts? I only brought the assinchals." I asked the house elf kindly.

"If you don't mind, I would like it if we could sleep together." He asked once the house elf popped away. I smiled as he led me to his room. I put my stuff up as he takes a shower. I smiled and hoped that I wouldn't have nightmares. I didn't want to wake my precious mate.


Hi everyone! Thank you for reading. I have finally reached 300 views last chapter and I am thankful to those who have kept reading up to now. Please tell your friends

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