Chapter 7 (Snape)

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All I can do is watch as my mate destroys everything around us. Small cuts form on the others, but it is nothing compared to what he could do. I prepared myself to be cut as well, but it never happened. I looked up and found my instincts kicking in.

I walked forward and found myself hugging Harry from behind as I prayed to the gods in the room that he would calm down.

Within seconds the lashing magic faded and was replaced with new magic. All around Harry, things mended themselves. The little wounds he caused vanished, yet I still held on to him. I knew, somehow, that he still needed me near him.

"No one hurts what's mine. No one takes what's mine. And no one, not even the immortals, controls what is MINE" He said in a breathy whisper, but everyone heard it.

"I know... now calm down before Dumasadoor realizes what just happened. We both know it would be worse than anything my parents could do." Every eye turned to Dudly. "What? This happens about once a year. You get used to it after the first time."

I hug my mate tighter as I take my inheritance test from him. I look at it for the first time and understand why he blew up like he did. Spells and potions... more than Haminie, and Draco combined. My test rivaled Harry's. Below the main part of the test, was injuries. I knew my list was as long if not longer than Harry's...but why did he care?

"I'm your mate, why else? Yes, I can hear your thoughts since the mate bond is no longer blocked." He said. 'If you would have that is' his thoughts filled my head and I tried to fight the urge to hug him tighter. I didn't want to suffocate him. 'Hug as tight as you want, I literally, don't need to breathe.' His thoughts once again feel my mind.

'You're the Dom...though I would not reject you, even if I could...' I thought, hoping he could hear me. When he finally realized, I knew he did.

"I am not going to ask." The king of the goblins said. "Harry, Dumasadoor has been taking money from your family vault as well as Ronald, Ginerva, and Molly Weasley. The rest of the Weasleys have done no such thing. Arthur himself is under many potions and spells."

"Take the money back slowly so they don't suspect anything. I want you to charge interest. You chose how much interest you would like to take. Give the other Weasleys 10,000 Gallons each and make sure the ones who stole from me can't get any. I don't want the interest to affect the ones that did nothing wrong. You can have 5,000 Gallons as well as Godric Gryffindor's sword. It is not like I need it, and it is safer here with you and not in my or anyone else vaults." Harry said with perfect confidence.

I smile and finally let go of my Dom, but don't move away. I couldn't even if I wanted to. I stay near him as the goblin king leads us back to the front of the bank and gives us each a large bag of money from our vaults. "I will be back in a few weeks to look over my vaults," Harry said before saying goodbye to the goblins. "Now, time to do a little shopping without Ronald making me feel terrible."

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