Chapter 9

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No one's POV

Snape came out of the bathroom in black PJs to see that Harry was done putting his clothes up, yet there was still something left in the bag. Before Snape could ask, Harry had already closed the door to the bathroom.

After a short debate on whether to peak or not, his curiosity got the best of him. He looked to find the dress he had been eyeing earlier in the day. He didn't know how to react.

"I saw you eyeing it and thought you might like it. If you don't want it I can always return it. If you want another dress or anything like that, just ask me." Harry said as he came out of the shower. Snape turned to see he was shirtless. He had Slytherin green pj pants on, but that's not what surprised Snape the most. many scars. "Harry, how many of those are from school?" Severus asked, unable to keep the worry from his voice.

Harry looked down and smacked his head. "Stupid glamour. The purge must have gotten rid of the first layer of my glamor..." Harry sighed. "About 10% of them. The rest is from my relatives." He decided it would probably be best to show the rest of them. "I will let down the rest of my glamor if, and only if, you promise me that you won't freak out."

Severus could only nod. He didn't want to give away that he was already freaking out. "I...I promise to try my best." Was all he could get out, but it was enough for Harry. Harry closed his eyes and let the magic hiding most of his wounds fall. A sharp gasp from Severus was his only reply. "Harry..."

"If you are going to ask why I didn't tell anyone, I did. I told the old man, and when he did nothing about it... well, I lost what little trust I had in him. Alister (the sorting hat) was adamant about telling me about how much he hated the headmaster." Harry said as he opened his eyes. No sooner had he finished his explanation, was Severus in his arms.

Severus moved away too soon for both of them, but they needed sleep. They got in bed and it was not long till Severus was asleep. Harry smiled as his sleeping mate moved to snuggle into him. Harry was soon out cold as well.

Harry woke up the next morning out of instinct. For once he didn't have any nightmares. He tried to get up when he realized that his little sub was using him as a pillow. He also heard laughter that made the room 10 degrees cooler than it already was. "Shut it," Harry whispered to the immortal with no fear of dying. He only feared waking his sub. Harry replaced himself with his pillow, knowing it would make sure his mate didn't freak out from his Dom being gone. He also left his wand so the other male knew he would be back.

Harry headed downstairs to the kitchen. "Master, I am afraid that a muggle that learned about magic from his wife has used a potion to extend his life and is planning to sell it to other muggles. He was supposed to die in a few days from cancer, but the potion stopped that. This muggle...he is using his wife's blood to make the potion because she refused to teach him magic. He is most likely going to try to do it to anyone that gets in his way." Death said. "I am sorry for throwing you into a job so soon."

"It's OK. The only problem is explaining everything to Severus. Now that the mating link is in place, he will feel it when I die. Since he is also your master, now that he is an extension of my soul, he will not feel the normal pain that comes with losing a mate. He isn't truly losing me, even if I die." Harry said as he finished making breakfast.

He smiled as he saw his sub come down, Harry's pillow in hand. "Morning love," Harry said as Death left the room. Good choice immortal, good choice.

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