Chapter 2

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Death looked at the man who was forced to kill his master when he was only one. He looked at his master, who was now passed out in his arms. The deaty sighed and got out the diary from his coat and through it at the man. "I recommend you take that part of your soul back then go to get tested at grinngotts." Was all he said before appointing back to Hogwarts.

He placed his master on the ground at the intrince to the maze. He looked up to see the old fool that made his master life hell. Oh, how much did Mortem want to kill him, but restraint himself. His master was the only one with the right to kill the old man, that was certen. "Harry has concord me once more. Becarful, I don't want to see him like this again any time soon." Mortem said as he disappeared. He watched as his master was taken to the infermery. He watched as Harry was confronted with Barty.

"Make sure he doesn't get killed by his idiot of a father. He is the only reason I lasted this long, " Harry said, as he looked directly at death. Harry could always see him, even when others could not.

Mortem bowed, then went to follow Barty. Harry smiled at the sight, but it didn't last long. His so-called friends came in. Mortem had shown him the truth about his friends after he died in the first year. Harry could see what they were really thinking when he looked at their shadows.

-Why do we even have to be here? It isn't like he is going to give us the price money.- Ron's Shadow said. Harry looked at Hominey's. ~Stupid body! Why can't I control my own body? I need to find a way to stop this from happening once I am free again.~ That brought a small smile back to Harry's face. Hominey might not be his friend, but she has already been suffering enough.

"I am glad you guys are here. After what happened in the maze..." Harry half lied, but neither of them noticed. They stayed by him for an hour before Ron left. Harry sighed. "If you really want to have control over your body, then go to grinngott and ask for an inherent test. Mortem told me it is the best way to get rid of spells and potions."

Hominey broke free and asked, "Why are you helping me? You know I not really your friend."

Harry sighed. "No one should be controlled. Your real dad already owes me, so what's a little more? I don't want to die. It is freezing painful. Mortem is the only.." Harry started to cough up blood. "I can't wait till this is over. Immortality might sound nice, but it is a painful process to become one." Harry didn't look up at Hominey. He didn't need to.

"Get some rest. I might not like you, but you're better than Ron. You make this curse at least a little better." She said and left.

"Whatever you do, don't kill her from shock when she learns who her parents are.... I also want to be there when it happens, if you can make it possible." Harry said as Mortem reenter. Then he started to cough up more blood.

"Anything is possible for you, Harry. Now get some rest. We all have a long day tomorrow." Mortem said as he tucked Harry in, ignoring the other Immortals in the room. They could wait.

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