Chapter 11 (Death)

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Not long after I left my master, did Doddy appear. "Mr. Death, sir..." The little house elf was hesitant. He was the first one to try to help their master, even if it meant he had to hurt their master to do it.

I kneeled to where we could look eye to eye. "I am as much of master's servant as you are. You can call me Mortem." I gave him as much encouragement as I could.

The small elf smiled up at me before he remembered what he had come to talk about. "The old man came by and Kreacher is the only one that gets to deal with him." Dobby sighed. "Do you think there is any way for us to help Master get revenge?"

I gave him a small, but dark grin. "I might have some ideas, but the master is going to help me get rid of filthy eformores." I said and could see the elf was really confused. "Eformores are people that don't die when they're supposed to. " I explained. "While he is helping me, you and the others need to protect master's mate."

Before the small elf could reply, the master came into the room. "Hey Dobs, you will be tasked to protect Severus, ok?" Harry was answered with a happy nod before the small elf popped away. Master turned to me. "So, what is the name of this specific eformore?"

"Alexander Jones. He is average in all ways. His wife is Elora Jones, a muggle-born who decided to live in the muggle world." I informed him as we aporated away from the house. When we landed, we were in another country.

"That would explain why no one has come looking for her yet, though it seems like America is behind on ward magic, again." Master said before putting on the three hollows. He grew to where he was seven feet tall like me. He looked like he was another grim reaper, except he had no master.

"Come on, I promised my mate that I would be home by dinner." Master's words pulled me out of my thoughts. I hurried up and followed him. I could do nothing to help him, but I could take the eformores soul before they could find another way out of it.

I watched as my master passed through the door. He has gotten used to using my power, even if it was only a fourth of it. Even though he had two of the hollows till recently, he could not use more than that. We walked to the basement where we saw a gruesome sight.


Elora was lying in her own blood. Her skin was painted with blue and purple bruises. Cuts were all over her arms, and the piece of glass in her hand only explained half of them. The thing that shocked me the most was a small heartbeat.

"Shit, she's pregnant, and by how small the heartbeat, it only started to beat a few days ago at most...How long has she been in prisoned like this?" Master asked.

"Three months...I only learned about it last week, and have been assessing the dangers or if he just didn't have a way to die... I never expected anything like this..." I looked around to see what looked like a makeshift potion lab.

I returned to master as he finally got the dog cage opened and put his arm on the woman's sleeping shoulder. "It isn't your time have a baby girl to protect and raise..." Master said to the barely conscious woman as her life force was replenished.

Just then Alexander returned. Shit.

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