Chapter 18

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We stayed at spinners end for Christmas and New Year. School started back without problems. The pink toad was currently on leave. Everything was going perfect till the old man thought it would be a good idea to start questioning everything I do.

"Harry, my boy, I see no need to add such classes. Dark Arts exspeshaly. Why would students need to learn dark arts. Also, why are you forsing wizerd raised to take muggle study? It's not going to change anything!" The old man wined.

"For one, I never asked your openun." I said as I used wormtail (in rat form) as a play toy for Faxks, as I was currently in the old man's office. "Two, it's dark arts theory, thought by Umbrigde once she gets back. It will show the students what they are facing and exsplain why we need DADA. Three, muggle studies will make a difference once the new teachers get here. Bill Weasley will be taking over history. The centers are taking over divination. Charly Weasley is taking over magical creachers class. Hagrid is going to be assistant teacher until I think it is safe for him to teach." I said.

"Harry, my boy, I don't understand. Why am I here if I have no say in what happens?" The headmaster asked.

"I am 'to young to become the headmaster. Though, now that I am not holding back, I will be able to take the place by the end of next year." I said. "You're just lucky that Maginigle has not asked me for the job yet."

"What about what happened at the end of last year? Voldimor is back, and I am sure that he is the new potions teacher. He must have tricked you, or maybe Severus..." I slammed my hand on his desk to stop him from finishing his sentence.

"Don't you ever say anything about my mate again. I am a master of a God, I can not be potioned, poisoned, or composed into doing anything. Now, I suggest you don't try anything against my sub, I will kill you and there is nothing anyone can do against me. GOT IT!?" I yelled. He nodded frantically.

I smirked then turned on my hele and left the old man's office. It wasn't long till I was in front of my and Sev's living corters. I sigh before saying the pass work and entering into the living room. "How was your meeting with Dumblefuck?" Sev said from the couch.

I walked over to him and move him to my lap. "Frustrating." I said onto his neck. In the past few months I have grown to were I am permently seven foot six.

"Maybe talking about it will help?" He asked and I smiled.

"Just the old man complaining about the new classes mostly." I said before continuing. "He even dared to try to say that you had tricked me somehow." I laughed. "I almost went full reaper mode on him because I was so upset and angry at him."

" about we do something to cheer you up." He suggested. I raised my eye brow as he turned to me. "Let's go on a date..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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