Chapter 4

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I smiled as Griphook opened the will. My mother's voice rang out clear as day. "I Lily Potter, now state my will. To all who is listing, Peter Pettigrew was our secret keeper. If we die, Sirius is an incident of all crimes. If we die, Harry will be put these people in this order; Manorva McGonagall, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Narcissa Black, Tom Riddle." Everyone was surprised, but I was surprised for another reason than people would expect.

I turned to death. "So this is why you brought him back, isn't it?" I asked the immortal. "This is probably why you haven't killed Narcissa yet." Everyone turns to me as Death nodded.

My mother's voice draws attention back to the will. "I recommend you all 'NOT including the old man' get inheritance test done. We have paid for all of them, so no worry!" I giggle at that. "Now on to presents shall we. To Minnie, my true sister, I leave the Potter mansion. You will also be first in line to be the garden of Harry. I know you will be strict, but kind. You will also be getting 100,000 Gallans. Sirius, you will be getting your presents from James. Remus, you will be getting 30,000 Gallans from me and the Potter hut near the woods. Narcissa, you and your husband will be getting 10,000 Gallans each. I hope our sons stay friends." I looked over to Draco and smiled.

"I think we made my mom proud, even if everyone else thinks we were enemies, right big bro?" I asked him as he smiled back.

"If only we could see the look on your fake friends' faces when they find out from the old man." Draco said, and we could both see the surprise on the others' faces.

Before anyone could ask questions, my moms voice one again intrups. "To Tom, we leave a warning. Get the hell away from the old man. He is the one who took your kids away from you. If it wasn'tfor him, you could have seen Haminie and Neville grow up, never forget that." I look over to see suprose on Hominie's face. I turn back as my mom continues. "I hope they get along, but I doubt it. Anyways, you will also get 30,000. Now, the part I have been dreading. Severice, I forgive you for. That is not the reason you can't be Harry's parent. I have a letter to explain everything, just in case Dumasadoor is there." I swore I heard the will sigh. "Anyways, what you get will be in the letter. On a happier note, everything else goes to my lovely sone, Harry. I love you so much. Have death let you come visit us when you get all three deathly hollows. Bye!" My mom voice died out for the final time. Leaving everyone in the room surprised. I turned to death.

"I have no idea how she knew. It might have to do with Luna and her mother both being seers." Death said. "Your mom is always asking for you, though. That's why I hate crossing over into the realm of death. She loves you way too much. It gives even me 'a God that always has to wait' a headache."

"I...I can't even argue with him. Your mom was cool and all, but when she cared for someone she really cared for, She was crazy." Uncle Padfoot said.

"I guess that's where Dudly got it from. He would never let me out of his sight if he could help it." I sighed. "Though it barely helps." I turn to Griphook. "Can you start my dad's will, please? I don't want to answer their questions until the headmaster is gone," He gave me a sinister grine, but I didn't mind. I knew it meant that he was overjoyed. Harry had learned a lot about goblins in the past four years. A lot more than anyone would ever know.

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