Chapter 15

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The train ride was as normal as it could be. Harry sat with the twins and Luna. "You are worried about your Sud... He will be fine until you get there. The pink toad will be a problem, though, as will the headmaster..." She said on her misty voice.

"Don't worry, prince..."
"He can't hurt you..."
"You are the master..."
"Of death, as well as life." The twins say.

"Thanks, Seer, Mischief, Mayhem. I needed that." Harry said.

"Of course, Magic, glad to help!" They said together.  It had stopped surprising him. Luna(Seer) could see the future and knew what Fred(Mischief) and George(Mayhem) were going to say. Harry had noticed that Fred always spoke first, even though he was the younger twin.

The train slowing down brought them out of their thoughts. They weren't at school, so why were they stopping?

All eyes turned to Luna. "Ministery is checking the train. They don't realize that Hadrian owns the train as well as the forbidden forest, the lake, and Hogwarts." Luna exsplaines.

Harry stood up and exited the car to see some Auras. "I would like to know why their are Auras on my Train." He said, and they turned to him.

"Sorry, Lord Hogwarts. The undersecretary asked us to do this." One of them said, and Harry could tell he was telling the truth.

"Fine, but do it while the train is moving. I don't want to be late for dinner." He said. "I would also like a meeting with her once dinner is over." Harry returned to his capartment as the train continued to move. Draco was already in the capartment when he entered. He understood why instantly. "I am so going to kill Tom once we get to school. He is the knew potions teacher while my mate is DADA and the Dark Arts professor..." Just then, an aura member that wasn't from earlier came in. "What do you want?!" He asked the aura, turning his eyes black in warning.

"Sorry, my lord, but we need to check kids for dark magic." He said apprehensive. I used my power over the invisible  clock to hide the mark and the dark magic surrounding it.

"Why would I, the Boy Who Lived, hang out with people that use dark magic?" Harry asked like it was ovise that none of the people in the car would do anything wrong.

"Of course, my lord,I wasn't thinking. I will be on my way now. Have other kids check, and then we will be out of your hair." He said and scurried out.

They were at school soon enough. Harry was still upset, but when he saw his mate, he calmed down instantly. He walked over to the head table and sat beside him. Most of the kids were shocked. The headmaster started the speech, and the students were sorted. Before the sorting hat was put up, Harry stood up. "As lord of Hogwarts, I call all those that wish to be resorted to stand."

It took a few minutes, but soon, all the people who wanted to be restored had stood up. To teachers' amazement, almost an eighth of the students wanted to be resorted. They ranged from secant to seventh. It took another half hour for the sorting to finish. Harry was the last to be sorted.

'Looks like it is time, my lord.' Alisters' thoughts filled his head. "As lord of Hogwarts, he can't be put in a house, given detention, or lose house points. He can fire or replace teachers, and school iministraters. He can take points as well as give them, sit where he please, and make/ change rules."  The Hat said. Harry sat back at the head table with a smirk. This was going to be interesting.

It's Christmas week, so I won't be posting for a while.Thank you for all the support, and happy holidays.

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