Chapter 5

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My father's voice rang out before people could ask me any questions I didn't want to answer just yet. "I James Potter now state my will. Lily will be giving most of the gifts, so my will is going to be short. Sirius, my old friend, you will be getting Mimi, a personal house elf, and 30,000 Gallans. Remus, you will be getting 10,000 more Gallans from me, and finally, Severice. I would like to apologize, but it isn't all my fault. You will understand when you see Sirus and Remuse's inheritance test. Also, you better not hurt my son. He is not me. He is so much more than anyone will ever know. My son, Harry. You get everything else. I hope you make friends and live life to the fullest. Me and your mother love you very much." My dad's voice faded, and I smiled.

I stand, and then pain shoots through me. I look at Mortem and give him a silent message. He nods and vanishes. I could see concern on the others' faces as I stood up again. "Someone has tried to kill what's mine. Now Mortem is bringing them back to me," I said and looked at Griphook.

He gives me a wicked grin as he has two goblins obliviate and throws out the old man. The smile faded when a beat-up Dudly. "He will live. Your mark made sure of that," Mortem said as Griphook gave me the elder wand.

"I told him that he would die if he stayed with his parents. He couldn't hide his magic for much longer...," I ground out, then sighed and kneeled to the only person who was ever nice to me. I smile a little as I place my hand over his heart and feel the life in him return as mine fades. When I opened my eyes, I could see him looking at me in wonder. "I told you, this is the true power of the master of death." I looked over at Mortem. "Thank you for saving him."

Mortem bowed as I turned to the shocked others as Draco pulled Dudly into a kiss. (Yes I did, don't kill me.) I roll my eyes as my cousin blushes hard. I throw him my old wand. It always worked better with him anyway. ", Harry. You were right, more than you know."

I pointed to Fate. "Blame him. He gave me the seer ability, but I didn't realize that they were visions until recently," I said as I walked over to Griphook as Goldfang walked in. I gave him a small bow, and he returned it.

"Harry, it is good to see you again. The inherence test and the purges are ready," Goldfang said.

"Thank you, your majesty. May I ask why the king of the goblin came to see us?" I asked teasingly.

He laughed, which surprised even Griphook. "I could ask the same about the other immortal in the room. You, Harry, are more powerful than anyone could ever predict. I want to see just how powerful." He gave me a piece of paper and a dagger. His sinister grin never leaves his face...

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