Chapter 17

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Yule couldn't come quick enough. I have been working with Death a lot more since I officially became his master. I had to get rid of five more Efermores. I currently had a meeting with some dementores.

"If you don't want your soul sucked out, I suggest you back up madum Umbrigde. I haven't had a chance to feed them this week." I said as I made a putronus out of my soul using my darkest memory. "Necro Patronom. It is a spell that releases your soul in the form of a putronus. You have to use a dark or sad memory to create it, and it attracts Dementores. They feed on the patrons." I explained.

"I am sorry I am late, Master," Death said when he aspired. "Winky wanted me to bring you these." He gave me some cookies.

"Soul restoring potion in cookies. I will have to thank her when we get back for Yule break." I said, ignoring the pink toad. I turned to the dementores. "Get your fill. Sorry I could not come earlier.."

"At least you brought them a friend," Death said as he sneared at the pink toad. I couldn't blame him.

"What did I say about you compering her to dementores?" I asked, not caring that I was getting her hopes up only to bring her down even further.

"It's affinsive to Dementores." He said. I smiled and nodded. He smiled and went to talk with the king of the dementores.

I looked up to see it was getting dark, so I started heading back to the castle. "If I may inquire, why do the Creatures here listen to you?" Umbitch asked. The way she said Creature made my blood boil.

"You probably forgot, but immortals are creatures as well. As the master and godson of two different immortals, I myself am a creature. They listened to me because even if I wasn't, I would still treat them as equles. Some vampires, for example, are more powerful than wizards. Yet they don't look down at us like purebloods, like yourself, look down on muggleborns. I may be purblood, but I was raised as a muggle, then a halfblood. I have lived at all three statis, which gives me a better view than someone who only sees the world from one point of view. They can see that I will see them and treat them like any other." I said as we walked out of the forest. "You fear Creature, but have you ever considered what they fear, what they want or need? Have you ever considered what life would be like if you one day woke up one? Don't say they are animals without feeling, then you are saying the immortals are too. Exspeshily when you remember that Mother Magic created all of us in some way or form." I walked back to the castle, leaving a shocked Umbrigde behind.

When I saw her at dinner, she was still stumped for words. "What did you do to her?" My mate asked

I smiled slightly. "Just told her the cold, hard truth about things. Exspeshily about how the immortal are creatures. Mom told me that she was surprised that more people didn't know." I said indetween bites of food. Once we were done, we headed to the room to pack. The holiday break was tomorrow, after all.

SORRY! I haven't had real time to write. School started back, and I haven't had time.

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