Chapter 10 (Severus)

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I heard talking downstairs as I got up. Clutching my mate's pillow, I walk down stairs. When I came in I saw one of the immortals leave.

"Morning love," Harry said as he put some food in front of me. It was only half a serving, but I was grateful. I could barely stomach a normal amount. "If you want more, or can't finish, that's ok." He said as he started to eat his food. It was barely half of what I got to eat.

"What did Death want?" I ask as warmth once again fills the room. Only Death could change the temperature of the room. I had already finished my food. I was about to put it away my plate when a female house elf popped in and got it.

"Thanks, Winky. I hope the boys aren't arguing again." Harry said then gave her his plate. "If they do, then they will have to share their chores again." Winky only smiled and popped away again.

We moved to the couch as Harry started to explain, only to be interrupted by the floo.
"Harry, my boy, there you are. I have been looking for you since the gremlins rudely kicked me out." The old goat said.

"Sorry professor, but the goblins don't really like you. I had to pay more for them to even let you attend the wills." Harry said like he hadn't asked for the goblins to take the old man away. "Whatever you have for me will have to wait. Death gave me a job and only gave me enough time to explain to Sev before I had to leave. As the master of death, I have to help him from time to time." Harry stood up. "You will have to reschedule with Kreacher."

It was all I could do not to grimace. Kreacher was a nightmare to deal with, that was why he had the job. Only someone with a serious reason to talk to my Dom would be able to deal with Kreacher. I was lucky to be one of the few people Kreacher liked. The headmaster on the other hand, well let's just say that Dumasadoor would not be getting that meeting any time soon.

Once the old man was gone, Harry sat back down. He waved his hand and his wand came to him. "I hate listing spells," Harry grumbled as he waved his wand, and the spells were gone. He sighed and turned to me. "What I said about having a job from Death was true. That was why he was here this morning. A muggle who married a witch is now using her blood in potions to cheat death and he is planning on selling the potions to muggles. Death can't kill him 'because it will mess with the balance' so I have to."

I looked at my Dom scared. "I know you're immortal and all, but what happens if you get hurt? What if another wizened sees you?" I want to ask more questions, but he silences me with a small kiss on my head.

"If he manages to kill me, you will feel a small tug, but nothing more. As for getting hurt, I am used to pain and fighting for my life. I will be okay, and if I do get hurt, then you can nurse me back to health." Harry's words send a chill of desire down my spine. "If I get caught it won't matter, because I am the master of death. I legally can kill people and not get into any trouble. The ministry can't fight an immortal, and they definitely can't fight an immortal's master." He said with a smirk, and I sighed.

"OK, but be home by dinner or I am going to be even more worried," I said. He gets up and smiles before giving me the most wonderful kiss I have ever had.

"Of course love..."Harry said before he vanishes into the shadows.

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