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Harry Potter Inheritance test:
Age: 15 years 8 months
Father: James Potter
Mother: Lilith Potter nee Evens
Godfather: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle
Godmother: Auramora(Lady Magic), Narcissa Malfoy nee Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Alice Longbottom
Mate: Severus Snape
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Hogwarts, Potter, Merlin, Lafay(royal), Black, Riddle, Longbottom, Lestrange, Evens, Lupin, Malfoy, Magic, Death, Life, Fate, Nature, time, mayhem/mischief
Properties: too many to name

Trust potion, Hate potion, love potion, forced glamour, poison, submission potion(never worked), truth potion(unwillingly given)

Block spells:
Parsletoung; blocked 90%
Parslemagic; blocked 100%
Magic; blocked 99.99%
Necromancy; blocked 100%
Dark magic; blocked 100%
Neutral magic; blocked 95%
Light magic; blocked 90%
Creature speak; blocked 100%( Brock 10%)

A marriage contract between Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley (illigle) was found.

Once everyone was done reading my inheritance test, I got the purge. The pain was nothing compared to what I have had to deal with for the last year. Evolving into an immortal is painful. (More so since I didn't have all the hollows till now.) I didn't even flinch.

When I walked out they were all staring at me. "What? Becoming an immortal is far more painful. Ask any of the immortals." I gesture to all the beings that were now trying to occupy themselves with watching paint dry. "That and other than Dudly, my muggle relatives used to use me as a punching bag and house elf. Of which I treat my three house elves better than they treated me. Which to be completely honest, isn't saying much." Dobby, Kreacher, and Winky all loved me. Even though Kreacher was still technically my godfather. Sirius didn't mind that Kreacher only listened to me without complaining.

Everyone sighed and started taking turns doing the inherence test. No one had their core blocked as much as mine was though. I was still unsure how I wasn't considered a squid.

"As you are my godson, you have inherited magic beyond coperhinchin. Until you fully become an immortal, you can only use 15% without hurting yourself. A normal person your age would only be able to use 5% at most." Mother Magic said. I gave her a warm smile of thanks.

I sighed and watched as the others took their turns. Snape was surprised when he learned that both Remus and Black had spells to make them act the way they had towards him. Remus's wolf helped fight off the spells, but Moony could not get rid of them completely.

The real entertainment started when Hominie did her test.
Haminie Riddles inheritance test:
Age 16 years 2 months
Father: Tom Riddle
Mother: Bellatrix Lestrange
Godfather: Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape
Godmother: Narcissa Malfoy nee Black
Siblings:Neville (younger brother), Draco Malfoy (Godbrother)
Lestrange, Riddle, Slytherin

Trust potion, Hate potion, love potion, forced glamour, truth potion(unwillingly given)

Block spells:
Parsletoung; blocked 100%
Parslemagic; blocked 100%
Magic; blocked 75%
Dark magic; blocked 100%
Neutral magic; blocked 75%
Light magic; blocked 50%
Creature speak; blocked 100%

A marriage contract between Haminie Riddle and Ron Weasley (illigle) was found.

"How in the hell is mine almost as bad as Harry's?! Also, why would I ever marry that dumb weasel?! This is so unfair," Haminie pouts. I could see that the others were trying to not laugh.

"It's because we are at Hogwarts. He has 'well had' full rain over the school." I said as I looked at my mate's report. What I saw left me seething.

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