The Winchesters

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Hey, to anyone who starts reading this fanfic! Thank you!

I am very excited to have you here and I hope you will enjoy what I write. I can't make any promises that it will be good

First, I haven't been writing in english for very long and it is not my first language, so I am very sorry for any mistakes, incorrect grammar or small vocabulary. I am working on it, but if you want to help, you are welcome to point out mistakes!

Second, I usually don't write in third person, I actually prefer first. But I want to try something new and I think it fits this fanfic better. If I suddenly switch into first person without noticing, I am sorry and please point it out so I can correct it!

This, I have like half of a game plan for this fanfic, but I am not sure about some things so if you notice inconsistencies, again I am so sorry. I will try to make this as flawless as possible but I can't promise anything!

Also this is just for fun, because I want to improve my writing in English and I want to get back into the fanfic business. If you have suggestions for any other fanfics or fandoms I should write fanfic about, send me a message, I am open for things!

Now, have fun with the first chapter!

Love y'all
Your left toe






It had been a few months since Genesis had last been at her uncle Bobby's place, but when she stepped out of her car, everything still was the same. It felt the same too, like home.

She grabbed her duffle bag and made her way up to the house, past some dried up bushes and spare car parts, that were catching dust out in the sun. Genesis knew better than to knock and just walked in. The first time she had come for a visit two years ago, Bobby had given her a whole lecture about how she was family and family didn't need to knock on doors. That was for weirdos and stuck-up's.

Everything was quiet at first. No noise, no movement. Nothing. Genesis didn't think to much of it. Bobby wasn't a person that caused to much noise, at least when he was alone. Usually the young woman would find him reading a book somewhere or in the backyard working on a car. And sometimes he would lie on the couch passed out, because he had too much beer the night before. But that was the option Genesis didn't like to think about.

Instead of looking for her uncle first, Genesis went up the old, creaky stair and straight to her old room. It still looked the same as the day she had left. Posters of different, explicitly drawn monsters on the walls, a small desk, a dresser and a bed she barely fit in anymore.

Nothing has changed in here either, Genesis thought to herself, a small smile tugging on her lips.

Even though she always told Bobby that he could get rid of her stuff and use the room for something more useful or turn it into a guest room, he never did and he never would. Every time Genesis brought the topic up, his brows furrowed and he crossed his arm. That was his no-discussion-possible-stance. Sometimes Genesis would still try, but it would always end the same way.

Deep down she was glad. Yes, she would have liked uncle Bobby using the space for something useful but it also meant that she still had a place to go to. A home. Genesis also knew that it gave her uncle some comfort as well. After all that had happened they were the only people they still had.

Genesis put her duffle bag down on the bed and then sat down next to it, taking a short break. Taking a deep breath she took a look at the framed picture on her nightstand. Five people with bright smiles were staring back at her, causing Genesis comfort and pain at the same time.

It was here family, when all of them had still been there.

On the right stood Bobby and her aunt, who had been killed only a year after the picture had been taken. After that Genesis uncle had joined the family business, that her parents never had given up on.
Following her aunt and uncle came Genesis mom. She had a bright, loving smile.
It was the first thing Genesis noticed every time.
Her mothers arm was slung around her husbands waist. He was a tall, typically british man, who -in Genesis opinion- had many similarities to the actor Tom Hiddelston. The first time Genesis had ever seen him on TV, she almost spit out her drink, thinking her father had had an acting career before meeting her mother.
The last person on the picture was her, about fifteen years younger, sitting on her fathers shoulders. She was holding on to her father by wrapping her arms around his head and giggling about it.

After feeling old emotions well up, Genesis quickly started unpacking her things and carelessly shoving them into the drawer. She probably wouldn't be here for too long. The monsters had been working over-time lately and so had she. Still she wanted to take her time and see her uncle. It had been too long since the last time she had seen him and Bobby's calls had increased a lot over the last month or two.

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