Everyone loves baby

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Hello, my dears

So... second chapter.
Basically just Genesis getting to know the Winchester brothers and clearly deciding on her favourite. She also meets the new love of her life: baby.

But enough spoilers.

Please enjoy and again: criticism is welcome and probably needed.

Thanks for reading and sticking with me through this!

Best wishes
Your moms hair extension






The deeply sad, devastated look in the green eyes was the exact same that Dean had seen on Genesis all those years ago. The woman recognized it almost immediately.
She had seen it on her uncle, her mother and even herself many times. Even if Bobby hadn't told her what those boys had experienced recently, she could have guessed it by the emotions in the mans eyes. Only a big loss could cause someone to look so ruined as Dean did in that moment.

It made Genesis want to turn around and leave. She had never been good at this. Handle emotions of other people. She wasn't great at dealing with her own and seeing people suffer made her feel their pain as well. But it only took a couple of seconds for the mans eyes to clear up, the sadness suddenly gone.

Dean was surprised by the girl standing next to his car. He almost dropped the parts or tried throwing them at her, thinking she was an intruder. He had been deep in thought, even though he tried to push the memories away.
But then he blinked and suddenly the woman seemed very familiar to him

He had seen it before, that heart-shaped, soft face with two big, blue-grey eyes. Even her chestnut hair that was flowing over her shoulders, he had seen before. Somewhere
And then the expression in her eyes changed as she was looking into his. She didn't seem startled anymore, instead she looked at him full of sympathy and worry, as if she was able to guess how he was feeling.

And then Dean realized where he had seen her before. He was surprised he even remembered. It had been about then years ago. Him, Sammy and his father had stayed at Bobby's place after a rather hard job and they all needed some time off.
They had been there for about three days, when Bobby got a call and suddenly nothing was okay anymore. Their Dad made them pack up their things, while Bobby and John were downstairs, discussing something.

When their Dad came back upstairs to pack his own things, Dean and Sam heard the door open and people coming in. Then there was crying and Bobby's muffled voice. The brothers wanted to check it out, mostly out of curiosity, but also worry.

But when they had reached the bottom of the stairs, Dean could see a small, brunette woman in Bobby's arms, bawling. The man holding her was crying as well, it had been the first time Dean had ever seen uncle Bobby cry and as far as he could recall it had been the only time so far. It made him so uncomfortable, he had to look away.

That was when he had seen her. The young girl standing in the doorway. Turned away from the adults and staring at the wall, but when she had heard the movement from the stairs, she looked up at Dean.
He remembered Sam trying to ask him something, but Dean just shut him up with an elbow in the side, not able to focus on anything but the girl.

She had had the same feelings displayed in her eyes, that he was feeling now. After his Dad was gone. It had been one of the first times Dean ever saw grief and fully understanding it. He just wanted to go and hug her, make it better. She had looked so lost and alone.

He blinked once, then again, barely able to believe that this young woman in front of him was really the same as the young girl he had seen then. She was so... grown up. Probably somewhere around Sammy's age.
As far as he could tell, she had gotten taller than her mother, but was still shorter than him. She was slender, but he could tell she had a toned body, judging by her arms. All in all, she was attractive.

Once Genesis had caught herself again, she opened her mouth, speaking carefully as the young man was still eying her.
"Dean, right?" She hoped her memory did not betray her, so she wanted to make sure.
The man furrowed his brows, confused as to how she knew his name. Genesis thought that meant she had gotten his name wrong.
She already opened her mouth to apologize, but the man was quicker.

"Yeah, that's me." Dean was a bit embarrassed to admit that he had no idea what the girls name was. It did happen a lot. Running into someone he had once hooked up with and barely recognizing the women, but this was different. "And you are?"

"Genesis." The young woman responded with a smile. Her cheeks flushed, feeling just as embarrassed as Dean.
Once again she was frustrated by how awkward she was in social situation. She had no idea what to say or how to act. They had met each other, but also not really. She had seen him once, for like ten seconds and she wasn't even sure if he remembered.
Also he didn't seem to feel to good, so she wasn't even sure if he wanted to see anyone. After all there had to be a reason for him to be out here by himself instead of inside with his brother and Bobby.
She ended up standing there in silence, wringing her hands and searching for something to look at other than the handsome man in front of her.

Even though she wouldn't admit it out loud, Genesis had to admit that he had aged very well. In her memory he had already looked good, but it was no comparison to now that he was all grown up. His featured had gotten even sharper, rougher too, but in a good way.
Dean had some scruff from not shaving in a while, which suited him very well. And Genesis could barely see them from the distance, but he has some freckles spread over his nose and cheeks. They looked a little misplaced on the hard, sharp face.

With the image of Dean still in her mind, Genesis eyes met the Impala again and all other distractions were gone. That car

Maybe I can fix it up somehow and ask Bobby if I could keep it afterwards she thought hopefully, though she had only a basic understanding of how to fix cars and this definitely outgrew that level.

"You like my baby?"

Genesis turned her head back to the older Winchester.

"Oh, it's yours?" She asked, sounding more disappointed than she meant to.

It made Dean laugh. He walked over to the car, placing a hand on the hood and slightly caressing it as if it was a woman he was trying to hook up with. "Mhm, my whole pride and joy."
The loving look in his eyes confirmed his words. It felt so intimate, Genesis almost wanted to give them some privacy.

"Look a bit beaten up, don't you think, mate?" Genesis asked, raising an eyebrow. In the back of her mind she was wondering, if the guy had fell on his head one too many times. She liked the car too, but Dean was treating it like a whole human being.

"Mate? What are you?" Now Dean was the one looking at her as if she was from a whole other planet.

Haha, these jokes never get old, do they?

"I'm british. Well half, but the accent stuck." It wasn't even as strong as it used to be. Genesis first picked it up from her Dad, then she lived in England a couple of times. But the more time she spent in the USA surrounded by Americans, the more she lost it.

Dean frowned, behaving like Genesis just told him about something he had never heard before. The young woman wasn't sure if he was just pretending or if he actually was that dumb. Either way, she decided to ignore it, but then the problem of what to say came up again.

Silence filled the air, as both of them stood there, arms crossed and staring at the ground. If it was up to Genesis, they would have stayed like this forever, but Dean wasn't as untalented in conversation as her and wasn't ready to give up yet.

It would be an insult to his ego and his own proclaimed title as a ladies man to not be able to get a pretty girl like her to speak more than three full sentences with him. So Dean tried again.

"So, what brings you here?" He gave her a smile that -in his opinion- was very charming.

Genesis nose wrinkled as she noticed the smile and the fake interested tone in Deans voice. He wasn't as subtle as he liked to think and by now the young woman had enough experience with men, especially male hunters, to recognize flirting. Still she answered him. It seemed like they were going to be here together for a while, so she wanted to stay on neutral terms with the guy and not piss him off within their first five minutes of meeting.

"Visiting my uncle." In that moment she remembered how surprised Deans brother had been about the news that Bobby had a niece, so she added. "Yes, Bobby is my uncle. Yes, he had a niece."

"Oh?" Dean raised a brow, trying to find some similarities between the two, but he couldn't find any. "Good thing you don't look like him." He joked.

Genesis didn't laugh. "Because we're not blood related. He was married to my aunt."

"Married to your aunt." Dean echoed, while nodding his head. He started run out of things he could say to get her to warm up to him, also making him frustrated. The hunter couldn't remember the last time he had had such a hard time talking to a girl. Still he didn't give up. Sort of.

"Well, how long will you be here? Maybe I'll see you around." He couldn't help but sound a little hopeful. He had been going through a lot and a girl like Genesis could be the perfect distraction. Good looking, exactly his type and he probably wouldn't see her again after his stay at Bobby's.

"I don't know yet and yeah, maybe." Genesis decided that that had been enough for her. It seemed like Dean wouldn't give up and she started getting too tired to talk to him. With one last glance to the Impala, she turned around and walked back to the house.

The entire way she could feel Deans gaze on her back, but she resisted the urge to turn around and stare back at him. It would only make him believe he succeeded in his attempt at flirting.

This was exactly the type of hunter she had been thinking off. Macho fuckboys, desperate for any woman to give them attention and willing to spend a night with them and it was the last thing she needed.

Why couldn't this guy be more like his brother?


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