Late night talks

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Hey guys!

I am happy to present to you: another chapter!

In this one I tried to develop the relationship between Dean and Genesis a bit more. I don't want her to hate him forever, so in this chapter our boy was showing off his best side.

You'll also learn more about Genesis past and why she is so against dating. Maybe that will clear up some things.

All in all I think it's going to be pretty cute, but I do have to apologize for the end. I am so tired and I think you'll notice.
I was at a comic convention today and places with many people tire me out so quick. I hope you'll still enjoy the chapter! (By the way I'll also be at the convention tomorrow, but working at one of the stands, so I'll probably not be able to publish another chapter)

Thank you for reading!

Love y'all
Mouldy pizza slice






"Genesis! Holy shit, girl, it's good to see you alive!"

Genesis looked up to the young hunter, who had just sat down at her table. After solving their case, Dean, Sam and her had made it back to Ellen's diner. All she wanted to do was drink and relax after another long car ride with the Winchesters.

"James, hey!" Gen smiled at the man opposite of her.

She had met him about two ago when she was working a case in LA. It had been a haunted house with multiple spirits and at the time she had been glad for the help. Since then she had run into the hunter a couple times. James had always been flirty towards her, but not in a threatening way and the last time she had seen him, she had still had a boyfriend.

"It's good to see you."

"It's lovely to see you too, dear." James had this strong, posh accent, that most american girl probably would have found charming. But as someone who had spent a part of her life in England and was british herself, Genesis wasn't too affected by it.

James have the young woman a wink, his brown eyes glittering with excitement. He visited the saloon often in hopes to see Gen again and today was his lucky day. This time he would do more than just flirt, he had that to himself after the last time he had seen her drive off.

But he didn't want to just dive right into it yet. Chat her up first.

"So, I've heard about your last job. Tell me all about how you smacked down those vamps." The young man demanded, then he took a sip of his beer.

Genesis did, enjoying James little jokes and interruptions as she was telling him the story. She might not have been interested in him, but he was fun to talk to. He always knew what to say, making it easy for Genesis to have a conversation with him without feeling super awkward like she usually did.

By the time Genesis had told him everything they were bent over the table, faces close and both a bit tipsy. She was having fun. She hadn't had that in a while and couldn't help but enjoy it.

On the other side of the saloon, Dean was sitting by the bar, drinking his own beer and eying the two people every now and then. At first he tried to not let it bother him, but two drinks later he was visibly annoyed, his stares getting longer and longer but neither James nor Genesis noticed.

It wasn't the fact that she was having a good time and talking to another guy that got him in a bad mood. It was James making the girl laugh and giggle so effortlessly. Dean had been trying for almost two weeks now. He had done his best, pulled out his hottest pick-up lines everything!

He didn't understand what he had to do to make Genesis look at him the way she was looking at that guy.

He let out a frustrated sigh, ordering another beer. Jo handed it to him, then leaned over the bar, smirking at her friend over at the table. Dean didn't fail to notice that.

"She close with that guy?" He asked, not able to hide the grumpy undertone in his voice.

Jo smiled and answered without looking at Dean. "They see each other here occasionally and I think he's into her." She was actually very aware of that fact. One of the reasons she had been keeping a very close eye on Gen.

"And she's into him too?"

Finally Jo's gaze wandered over to Dean, an eyebrow raised. Amused she smiles, patting Dean's arm. "No, she's not. But I don't think that will better your chances with her."

Dean was feeling two things at once, which was a lot for a man of low emotional capacity like him. First he was relieved Genesis didn't have anything going with the guy, but also confused at the second thing Jo had mentioned.

"What? Why not?" He asked. "I thought she was just playing hard to get."

Jo snorted at the man's stupidity. "Dude, most women don't play 'hard to get'. If they are not interested, they are not interested and Gen..." She paused, while Dean was trying to process this new information he had just gotten. "I'm not at liberty to tell you why, but she's not looking into dating. Or anything like that. At least not with men."

Taking a chug from his beer, Dean thought about what Jo just said. Then he noticed something. His eyes shot up to Jo, who was grinning mischievously.

"Not with men but with women?" He guessed.

Jo had already started turning around and walking away when she mentioned: "We had a thing going once"

By the time Dean had cleared his head of any images that had shot into his brain at the mention of Jo and Genesis doing things, Jo was already out of reach with some other customers. Shit-

He wanted to get up, go and ask what exactly it was that her and Gen had had going on, but in that moment Ash came out of a backroom, carrying his laptop. Sam came over too, listening to what Ash had figured out.

Dean tried to do the same, but he was having a very hard time. He kept fidgeting around on his chair, looking over at Gen, who was still going on, laughing and laughing at whatever it was the guy was saying. Ash had barely finished speaking, when Dean stood up, his chair scraping loudly across the floor as it was pushed back.

"Let's go, Sam. I'll go get Genesis." He told his brother and without waiting for an answer, he walked over to the table.

At first he just stood close to them, trying to hear what they were talking about.

"You know, you can always give me a call if you need help with a case." The man said.

Oh god, of course he's british. Why do women find that accent so hot, Dean questioned himself, I just find it hard to understand.

"Thank you for the offer, James, but I am more than able to handle myself." Genesis responded, not laughing this time.

"I know, I know." James chuckled, putting his hand over Genesis that was laying on the table. The girl didn't pull it away, but also didn't do anything to indicate she liked it. "But I would love to see you more, dear. I really like you, you know?"

Dean definitely noticed Genesis flinching a little at the question. She apparently also didn't know what to say, because she took a big sip of her beer, her eyes staring down at the table. That was his clue to step in.

"Sweetheart, are you ready to go?" Dean came closer, so the two noticed him. Both having very different reaction to his arrival.

While Genesis lit up, giving Dean a big smile, James immediately started frowning. He looked Dean up and down, not letting go of Genesis hand just yet. Just because this handsome stranger called Gen 'sweetheart' didn't mean he was her boyfriend or anything like that.

"Yes, honey." Genesis played along perfectly, using her free hand to take Deans, which he was holding out for her.

She felt James letting go of her, but kept her eyes on Dean. Even though she wouldn't admit it to him, she was grateful for his save. Gen could save herself from monsters, demon and ghosts, but when it came to social situations she was a mess and she definitely would not have had a clue as what she should said to James.

They kept looking into each others eyes as Genesis got up. She took it as a break before she had to turn around and look at James again. The man had his mouth dropped open, as he watched Dean put his arm around Genesis and grin at him.

"Hi. Sorry, who are you?" Dean asked the man sitting at the table.

"James Atton, a friend of Genesis. Who are you?" James said, not sounding nearly as friendly as he had so far. He had his eyes fixed on Dean, anger burning in them. He had just gotten his chances at asking Genesis out ruined by some random guy.

"Dean Winchester, Genesis boyfriend."

"Oh..." Disappointment was written across James face, but he caught himself quickly. "She's never mentioned you to me before."

"Don't sweat it. It's fairly new." Dean smiled sweetly. "But she's never mentioned you to me either, so I guess we're even."

Now James was fuming. His legs were twitching as if he was about to get up. Dean's sign to leave. He wished James a good night, before pulling Genesis away, his arm dropping down around her waist as they walked over to the bar to say their goodbye's to Jo and Ellen.

As they walked over to the two women, both had an eyebrow raised, looking very much like mother and daughter.

"What's that?" Jo asked.

"Just play along." Genesis muttered, before half-hugging her friend over the bar. Jo gave her a kiss on the cheek before letting go. "We have to leave, get back to Bobby's."

"You kids sure you don't want to sleep here? You know I got a couple rooms upstairs you could use." Ellen offered.

"Thank you, but I got some things to take care of." Dean declined politely. "Good bye you two!"

"Bye!" Genesis waved at Jo and Ellen as they walked out. In her back she could feel James stare, but ignored it.

Once they were outside, she waited for Dean to let go of her, but he didn't and just kept walking. She tried to give him a warning stare, but he was looking straight ahead, a wry smile on his full lips.

"Dean," Genesis said calmly. "You have exactly three seconds to remove your arm from my waist."

The man laughed, but followed her orders.


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