Jo and Ellen bullying the Winchesters

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Hello dear readers,

I enjoyed writing this chapter more than I thought I would. Bringing Ellen and Jo into this was definitely good (I know I didn't come of with this myself but whatever).

I really hope you will like this and enjoy my version of the two women. Especially how the interact with Genesis and the Winchesters.

Now I know there haven't been many positive interactions with the Winchesters, but I promise you they're coming. Especially now that the three of them are on their own and Gen doesn't have a room to hide in.

Have fun.

Love y'all
Stinky cheese in the fridge






Genesis had been looking forward to a calm drive, some time alone and being definitely separated from the Winchesters. But she had gotten excited too soon.

They didn't have a car. Of course not. Dean's baby was a pile of shit at the moment. So they all had to cram into Genesis old Prius, since Bobby wouldn't give the brothers one of his car.

Even Genesis pleading didn't work on her uncle. He just laughed, telling them it would be a good opportunity to bond. The amused smile on Bobby's face almost made Gen throw her car keys down the toilet.

Anyways, the three hunters ended up crammed into the small car. Genesis driving, Sam riding shotgun and Dean being banished to the back. He didn't know it yet, but that was where he would stay for the rest of their journey together.

Dean already had a hard time accepting that his younger brother was sitting in the front and not him, but when he heard rap play from the stereo, he couldn't take it anymore.

"What is that?"

Genesis sighed. With her eyes fixed on the road she answered. "Eminem. You got a problem with that, Winchester?"

Sam leaned over to her, so Dean wouldn't hear him. "He has this very particular taste in music." The younger Winchester would never admit it to his brother, but he enjoyed the change. Sure, he liked Dean's music too, but there were other things he wanted to listen to some times. Not that Dean would ever let him pick what they were playing.

"Let me guess." Genesis said, not caring about her volume at all. She looked into the convex mirror of her car, just to discover Dean already staring at her in anticipation. "AC/DC, Nirvana, Led Zepplin"

The silence filling the car was answer enough, but the offended look on Deans face as Genesis easily guessed his music style was the cherry on top. She gave him a sweet smile, before returning her eyes to the road ahead of them.

Sam had turned his head towards the window, but it was just so his brother couldn't see the big fat grin on his face. To him it was very funny to see someone annoying Dean and actually getting to him. Whenever he did it, Dean pretended not to care... but Genesis had been doing it for a week now and Sam enjoyed every second of it.

Genesis turned up the volume until it almost reached it's max and then sped up. They had a long drive ahead of them.






It was late afternoon when the trio arrived at the deserted saloon in the middle of nowhere. An unknowing person would probably assume no one would come out here anyways, that the business was going to die soon. When in reality it was just the opposite.

Ellen's saloon was visited by many hunters and only kept growing. If it wasn't away from all towns and other establishments, that probably wouldn't have been the case. Hunters liked to be by themselves, away from people who could overhear them talking about monsters and ghosts.

Dean got out of the car and immediately stopped, giving the building a raised brow.

"This it?" He asked sceptically.

"Yes, Dean. This is it." Genesis said, crossing her arms. "Does it not live up to your standards? Do you want to go to a different place and hope Ellen magically shows up there?"

When the young woman saw the blank stare Dean gave her, she almost started feeling bad. But being on a long car ride with the Winchester had really robbed her of any sympathy for him. She needed a small break.

"Anyways, you two go in already. Find Ellen. I'll stay out here for a bit." She wanted to spend some time in the fresh air and on her feet, before possibly sitting back down again.

Dean went straight inside, Sam following him, but not without first giving Genesis a nod and a smile. She replied the gesture.

That boy is so nice, she thought to herself for possibly the hundredth time that day.

Not much had changed since Genesis last visited the place. Some more rust on the sign that hung outside, another couple dead bushes and plants, but that was it. Still she took a little walk around the saloon, looking out at the fields surrounding the property. It was good to be back.

Eventually she turned around, making her way into the saloon as well. Bobby did tell her to look after the boys and she didn't want to disappoint him.

Good thing Genesis did go in when she did, because she was greeted by the scene of both the Winchester boys having guns held against them. Jo holding a shotgun against Deans back and Ellen a gun to Sams head, leading him out of the kitchen.

Of course they manage to get themselves into trouble in the two minutes I don't have my eyes on them! This is going to be a fun trip

No one said anything, but the second the door had closed behind Genesis, all four people turned to her. Relief was written across the Winchesters faces, while Jo and Ellen looked at her in disbelief. It took the two women a second to realize it was actually Genesis standing in their saloon.

Jo was the first to show any kind of reaction. She dropped her weapon and ran over to her friend, not caring about the man she just threatened to shoot.

The weight of the blonde girls body slamming into Genesis almost made her loose her balance, but she managed to hold on to a table close to her to stabilize herself again. Then she wrapped both of her arm's around Jo, laughing at how she was clinging onto Genesis shirt.

"You okay there, Jo?" She asked, almost swallowing some blonde stands of hair in the process.

At first she didn't get an answer, only felt a nod against her neck. Then she registered how shaky Jo's hands were. Now Genesis started to worry. Jo and Ellen were always excited to see her, but this was different. The fact that Jo hadn't said a single word yet and that Ellen was still standing in the same position was when she had come in was weird.

Genesis took a look at the older woman over Jo's shoulder. By now she had lowered her gun, but her facial expression was similar to someone who had just seen a ghost. Gen frowned.

The Winchester brothers were just standing there, looking just as confused as Genesis felt.

"Jo?" Genesis gently pushed the young woman away from her, keeping her hands on the shaking shoulders. Only now she saw the tears shimmering in Jo's eyes and her trembling lips as Jo was barely able to look into Gen's eyes. "What's wrong?"

Jo had to take a deep breath before talking, but then the words flooded out of her.

"We thought you died, Gen! We heard about that horrible job you did. Everybody seemed to know about it and told different things they had heard happened. And no one had seen you since Bobby didn't pick up the phone so we just... we just had to assume the worst!"

A tear rolled over her pale cheek. Carefully Genesis wiped it off, smiling at her friend in an attempt to make her feel better. It had never been her intention to worry Jo or Ellen.

"Well I am not, but I am sorry for making you think I was dead." She noticed how Jo was still holding on to her shirt, so she gave her another quick hug, before turning, so she could look at Ellen properly. "It was a shit case, but I made it out. I've been staying at Bobby's since."

Ellen gave her a nod, her way of showing that she was glad the young woman was still alive. Then she moved on to looking at the two men, who were still standing there in confused silence.

"Is that where you picked up these two idiots?" She asked Genesis.

"Exactly. They said you called their father, Jon Winchester, with some info?"

As soon as Gen mentioned the name John Winchester, Ellen lit up a bit, even smiling. She turned to Dean and Sam, who again seemed visibly relieved.

"So you two are John Winchesters boys?" She asked, lowering her gun and then placing it on the counter.

Sam took down his arms, which he had had behind his head this entire time. Him and Dean exchanged a look, before both nodding. Genesis found it very amusing to see both of them, especially Dean, be intimidated for once. It was something she had only seen Bobby do before.

"I'm Ellen and this is my daughter Jo." Ellen nodded towards the blonde, who was still handing close to Genesis, fidgeting with the brunettes fingers.

Dean followed Ellen's look. "You're not going to hit me again, are you?" He asked Jo.

Immediately Genesis eyes shot to Jo, a big grin appearing on her lips. "You hit him?"

"Yeah, I mean he took my gun? What was I supposed to do?" Jo responded with an equally big smiles on her face.

Gen had always loved her friend, but right there in this moment, she could have kissed her on the mouth. Maybe even twice. One more second passed and both of the girls broke out into laughter. They had to hold on to each other so they wouldn't fall down to the floor.

Meanwhile Dean was just looking at them with pursed lips and a more than offended look on his face. He just had to sit in a car for hours, listening to rap, he was threated with a weapon, got punched in the face, his head hurt and now he got laughed at by two girls who were at least five or six inches shorter than him. He was done. Not even able to say anything.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Genesis pushed out, while trying to catch her breath again. Her sides had started to sting. "I've been wanting to do that for a week now."

"Try it." Jo giggled, equally out of breath. "It's very satisfying."


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