Decapitation and Vodka

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Sorry, but this case it going to need a third chapter, just realized that it won't fit into two.

Anyways, we got a little action, we got some cute stuff. I hope you'll enjoy both.
It also ends on a cliffhanger, so -unless you know the episode I am writing about here- haha!

And I got a little TW for this one: Panic attacks, also the word oozing (idk why I used that).

So thanks for reading!

Have a good night,
Dust on the windowsill






They had managed to follow Gordon to a run down factory. It was outside the city, only surrounded by similar buildings.
Since it was around 11:00 pm, there was no one around anymore, so Gordon had to be very sure about a vampire being inside the factory.

The three followed some fresh, dirty footprints through the dark halls of the building. Dean was leading, followed by Genesis and then Sam.

It didn't take them long to hear the sounds of a fight happening. Immediately they picked up the paste until they were sprinting. Just in time they reached a crammed, but big room with lots of materials and machines standing around.

They spotted Gordon lying on some metal contraption and a man standing over him, pressing him down with one hand. The other was on a chainsaw, which was attached to the contraption, pulling it towards Gordons exposed neck.

„Hey!" Genesis yelled, to distract the man, while Dean pulled on Gordons feet, getting him away from the chainsaw.

By the time the man had turned to Gen, she had grabbed a long metal pipe from the ground. She charged the man, raising the pipe and with all her strength she buried it in his chest.

His eyes got wide as he stumbled backward, landing on the metal contraption Gordon had been lying on only seconds ago. Genesis didn't let go, pulling the chainsaw down until the mans head was sliced off more or less clean.

Blood splashed all over the place, mostly on Genesis face and clothes. It had all happened so fast that it took her a moment to process.

But once she looked up from the severed head, she was met by Sam, staring back at her shocked. His eyes were wide, his mouth open, but he didn't get out a word.

Dean seemed to share his brothers thoughts, but was masking them a lot better. His hard stare gliding over Genesis bloody face. Genesis couldn't look at either of them, couldn't bare their disturbed faces.

Gordon was the only one who was smiling. He gave Gen a nod, then said: „Good to see you still got it in you, Forrester. And it looks like I've got to buy you three a drink..."

„I think I should get myself cleaned up first." Genesis replied coldly, wiping some of the blood off her face.




Genesis was only supposed to quickly was up and get a change of clothes, while Dean and Sam waited in the car and Gordon already went to the bar to save them a table. But she didn't feel right.

Since she had sliced the head off that vamp, she had felt wrong. It wasn't the part where she killed a monster, it was the being around them again and it wasn't the first time.

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