Bonding with Sammy

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Hey guys!

Sorry, I know it took me really long to update!

But I had a lot going on, work, family etc. and I also have another fanfic going on, plus a project to writing my own book (I won't publish it ofc, but I still want to write one).

Anyways I hope you enjoy this rather short chapter. Also I noticed that sometimes when I do a (dot dot dot) it doesn't show up after publishing. Is that the same for u or just on my phone?
If so, I am so sorry. Any weird voids, where it seems like something is missing, there were supposed to be three dots.
If you have any ideas on how to fix this then I am very open to them!

So enjoy.

Best wishes,
Cumstain on your bed






When Sam entered the living room the next morning, he was more than surprised to find Dean asleep on the couch with his arms around Genesis, who was laying on his chest. A thin blanket was spread over them.

Neither of them woke up when he came closer, so he started poking his brother in the side, causing him to start twitching. It woke up both, Dean and Genesis.

At first they seemed confused, but after a moment they looked at each other, eyes widening as the realized what had happened. "Shit!" They both cursed and sat up, scooting away from each other.

Sam could only guess what had happened and after discovering the half empty bottle of Vodka standing on the floor next to the couch, he came to the conclusion that they had had sex. It was the only logical option, since it involved his brother and his brother was... yeah.

"You two have to get up and out of here. If Bobby sees this-" Sam gestured towards the two people on the couch. "He's going to kill you, Dean."

"What?" Dean gave him a look and shook his head. "Bobby loves me. He would never kill me!"

Genesis turned her head to him, giving him a doubtful glance, while Sam sighed and went to explaining.

"Dean, I am sure he does, but Gen is his niece and the only family he had left I would reconsider your statement if I was you."

Now the older Winchester finally seemed to get what Sam had been trying to tell him. His eyes went wide and he got up, bringing as many steps between him and Genesis as the room allowed.

The girl just rolled her eyes, wrapping the blanket around herself. Suddenly she had gotten very aware of what she had been wearing this entire time. Hopefully Dean hadn't seen too much in the dark the night before. With her eyes on Sam she got up. "I'll go up to my room, pretend like I just woke up once Bobby is up."

"Thank you." He muttered as Genesis passed him. Half-way up the stairs she heard to younger brother ask. "So did you really sleep with her?"

She didn't stick around to hear Deans answer and jogged up the rest of the steps. All of a sudden her heartbeat went faster, heavier. Some memories of the night before came back to her, but she was too drunk to remember any details.

They had a good time, Genesis was still able to hear herself and Dean laugh in her mind. Then the dream had come up. Deans fingers tracing the scars, his warm skin on hers and then the panic attack. Gen felt herself blush in embarrassment. At that point she had thought the night was over for sure. Dean would leave her on the couch and go back to sleep. But she was just as astonished now that he had stayed and comforted her as she had been last night.

Gen locked herself into the bathroom, splashing some cold water in her face, so she would wake up fully. When she looked back up into the mirror, the young woman couldn't help but notice the smile on her face. Frowning she tried to figure out why.

Getting woken up by the younger brother of a guy she fell asleep on in the middle of the night in her uncles living room shouldn't be a reason for happiness.

After a minute Genesis gave up on trying to figure out her emotional process and tied her hair up into a ponytail, so she could refresh her make-up. She had to remove what was left over from last night, since he had forgotten to take it off before going to sleep and then put on new one.

Fresh and ready she snuck back into her room, dumping the blanket she still had wrapped around herself on the bed. Over by the dresser she pulled out a pair of flared, light blue jeans and a olive strapless top.

While getting dressed Genesis heard heavy steps go past her door, which had to be Bobby's. Good, now she could go downstairs as well. Get some breakfast.

Still she gave it a couple minutes. Make sure Bobby had already talked to the boys. Of course there was a very low chance that the man would figure out what had happened, but with Bobby... Genesis just had to be extra careful.

By the time the young woman had made her way down the stairs again and into the kitchen, Bobby was already standing there and making coffee.

"Can I get one?" Genesis asked, while grabbing some bread and stuff out of the fridge.

"Sure, kid..." Something in Bobby's voice was off, so Genesis turned to him. The man's eyes shifted towards her as he continued. "Once you tell me why there was a half empty bottle of vodka in the living room."

Genesis heard how much Bobby tired to sound mad, but he didn't do a very good job at it. He was worried. It was in his voice and in his eyes. Still he kept eye contact, raising a brow at her. The girl almost sighed, dropping the bread back on the plate she had gotten.

She leaned against the counter, preparing for a long conversation. Denying it wasn't an option, Bobby wasn't dumb. Telling him she only had half of that half would lead to more questions and then she would have to explain the whole Dean situation anyways. So taking the blame would be the best option Genesis had.

"I drank it. Sorry, I forgot to put it back." Genesis hoped that would be it and she would get her coffee, but she knew it wasn't going to happen. Bobby had his mouth open to say something before she had even finished.

"Gen, you know exactly how dangerous that is. Especially for you." Her uncle said, sounding not nearly as worried as he had before. Now he was pissed.

Genesis nodded, looking down at her right hand with which he was holding on to the counter. Her knuckled started to turn whiter and whiter as her stomach cramped up. This was a conversation she had had a hundred times with Bobby, but she still hated it as much as the first time.

"I know and I am sorry, but I promise you it is not the same."

The sentence had barely left her mouth and Bobby let out a sharp laugh. Genesis flinched, crossing her arms in front of her.

"You don't really think I believe you? Kid, I love you, but you've tried to sell me this bullshit too many times over the past couple years." Bobby shook his head, disappointment in his demeanor.

His reaction was totally justified. He was right. She had lied to him many times in the past and Genesis still felt horrible about it. There was no way she could convince him that it was really different this time. That she hadn't slipped again. She tried again.

"Bobby, I promise you I am not-"

"Not what? A fucking alcoholic? You are kid and that's not something you can just get rid off." The man grabbed his cup of coffee, gave his niece one last look before walking past her. "Now if I see any more alcohol missing while you stay here, I'm going to bring you to another twelve step program."

Genesis was left alone in the kitchen. With her head hanging low and tears burning in her eyes, she stood there frozen. Locked in her own thoughts. All the way in the back of her head there was a voice screaming for a shot. A glass of vodka. Just something. But Genesis had gotten good at learning to ignore it.

Out in the living room the Winchesters had heard most of the fight. Bobby's angry voice had been loud, but not loud enough for the brothers to understand what had been going on exactly.

While Dean had just been sitting on the couch motionlessly, wondering what Genesis had done to make the man that angry, Sam had been standing close to the doorframe, trying to catch at least a bit of the fight. He had caught a couple words.

Again... lying... alcoholic...

He didn't want to jump to any conclusions, but it was pretty obvious. It didn't make him judge Genesis. Not at all. It made him feel bad for her. So as soon as he heard to front door shut, signalling that Bobby had left, the younger Winchester made his way to the kitchen.

He was barely in the room when he heard quiet sobs. Then he saw Genesis, her shoulders shaking slightly. She was turned away from him, so Sam cleared his throat so the young woman would notice him.

Genesis didn't turn around immediately. Instead she wiped her eyes with some paper towels from the counter and tried to compose herself before facing Sam. But when she did and she looked into his soft, compassionate eyes she could have started bawling again.

But she tried her best to stay composed, taking a couple of deep breaths. Sam gave her the time she needed before talking.

"Are you okay?"

Genesis shrugged, pulling the corners of her mouth into a shaky half-smile. It was the best she could do in that moment. "It will be okay."

At least that was what she hoped for. The image of Bobby's disappointed face plopped up again. The gut wrenching feeling in her stomach deepened.

"Yeah, I heard a bit of what Bobby said." Sam admitted, watching as the expression on Genesis face changed.

It went from trying to hide her feelings to confusion and fear. She looked back at him, but only briefly, before turning away.

"Why are you here then?" Genesis asked, waiting for Sam to judge, blame her for the fight or make some sort of joke. But nothing came.

The silence was worse though. Genesis could still feel Sam's eyes on her, observing her as tears made their way into her eyes again and she nervously picked on the waistband of her jeans. She didn't know why she cared so much about what Sam thought of her.

Maybe it was because they just started to get along. Maybe it was because she felt connected to him somehow, saw herself in his eyes sometimes. Or maybe she just didn't want to disappoint another person, because it seemed like that was the only thing she was doing lately.

A few more moments passed, then Sam did what Genesis was last expecting.

He put an arm around her, just like she had done after Sam and Deans fight. After her initial surprise had worn off, Genesis couldn't help but first put an arm around Sam and then hugging him. It wasn't a normal hug, more like a desperate embrace.

In that moment she didn't care what would happen after or if Sam would push her back, she just wanted to hold someone, even if it was just for a second. Pressing her face into his chest and clinging to him tightly, she stood there, chocking down the last couple tears.

Suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped around her, holding her just as firmly. Genesis could feel Sam rest his head on top of hers and slowly stroking her back.

Neither of them said anything, but they both enjoyed the peaceful moment just as much as the other. It had been a while since either of them had had a moment like this. So it took them a while to break apart again, but when they did they smiled at each other half-awkward, half-thankful.

"I'm..." Genesis started, not knowing what to say next.

"Yeah, me too." Sam said just as clueless.

Eventually they both staggered out of the kitchen, almost running each other over and disappearing into different directions. While Sam retreated to the living room, Genesis went back up to her room. It was time for her to leave again...






By the time it got dark Genesis was all packed up and ready to leave. She had informed Bobby about her plans, who had taken note of them, but didn't try to stop her like he usually would. It was the aftermath of their fight.

She forgot to tell the Winchester brothers though, so when she walked down the stairs with her bags all packed, they came to check out what all the noise was about.

"You leavin'?" Dean asked sceptically.

He had his arms crossed, leaning against the wall in a cool, I-don't-care-way, but he did care. Part of him was wondering if she was leaving because of him. They hadn't talked since they were woken up by his brother that morning, but Genesis didn't seem to thrilled to see him now.

"Yeah, it's time for me to got back out there. Hunt monsters." Gen smiled half-heartedly, but was too exhausted to really try.

Sam understood and grabbed one of her bags. "Let me help you."

If it would have been any other man, Genesis would have refused. But any other man would have wanted to help her because they would see her as too weak or because women shouldn't be carrying heavy stuff or whatever other reason men came up with. Sam wasn't like that, he just genuinely wanted to help her. Because he was a nice person. So she let him.

Together they walked outside, stopping in front of Genesis old Prius. She opened the trunk, throwing her bag in, followed by the one Sam was holding. After closing it again, Gen looked up at the man. He had already opened his mouth, so she waited for him to say something.

"It was nice meeting you, Gen. And I liked working with you... even though we didn't really." Sam gave her a sweet smile. Genesis reciprocated.

Then she quickly stepped forward, giving the young Winchester another hug, shorter than the one in the kitchen that morning. When she let go of him again, she smiled at Sam.

"If you need any help or if you ever need a break from that brother of yours, just call."

Sam chuckled, then he took a step back as well.

"I appreciate the offer and I have a feeling that I will come back to it sooner or later." He grinned to himself. "Probably sooner than later."

"I'm counting on it." Gen waved at him one last time, before getting into her car and driving off. In the rear view mirror she could see Sam doing the same until she turned the corner, disappearing into the night.






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