Making up

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Hey, welcome back to Idiots being Idiots!

Sorry for not updating in a while. I started writing another Supernatural fanfic and I'm working a lot rn. (Btw the fanfic contains Dad!Dean, so if you're interested in that, you're welcome to check it out!)

TW's for this chapter are: alcoholics/excessive alcohol consumption, slight NSFW

Have fun guys!

Used condom






The Winchesters brought Genesis back to the Motel, dropping her off there, before going off to get some breakfast.

Due to lack of sleep and way too many things happening within the last 48 hours, Gen decided to take a quick nap. But a shower first.

Once all dirt and blood was washed off and the bandaid on her neck had been replaced with a new one, Genesis tucked herself into bed.

She didn't feel good, but a little better.

Gordon was gone, tied up in that old farm building. Dean managed to see through his lies and wasn't following him around like a lost puppy anymore. And the vamps were gone and wouldn't hurt anyone.

Still she couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Seeing Gordon again had definitely ripped open some old wounds. Watching Dean around him just reminded Genesis of herself a couple of years ago. And more than ever before she asked herself how she could have been so naive?

After it had happened it had taken her a long time to come to terms with the fact that Gen had seen Gordon as some sort of father figure. Even though her dad and Gordon were very different people, it had still felt familiar to go on hunts with him, learn from him about monsters, pull all-nighters when they were on a difficult case. It were all things she had done with her dad before he had died.
And she had craved Gordons praise like she used to crave her fathers.

God, now that she thought about it, it was really embarrassing. The lengths she would have gone to to protect him, keep him in her life...

Now Deans words made complete sense to her, he was where she had been. Defending Gordon, no matter who he was talking to, even if it was his own brother.

Genesis couldn't explain why she still had that bitter taste in her mouth when thinking about what Dean had said. He just called her too sensitive. Well, too sensitive for the job to be exact. It was probably because he agreed with Gordon. Yeah, that had to be it...

Memories of Dean comforting Genesis in the bathroom floated through her mind. How could he be so understanding and caring one second and then turn around and be such an ass the next?

Gen could have slapped herself for asking herself that. Had she learned nothing?

Dean was a male hunter. Just because he had been nice to her a couple times didn't mean he was different from the rest. He was probably still just trying to get into her pants and of course he thought she was too sensitive for the job. That's what they all thought.

It was just frustrating that even though he was some rugged, handsome playboy with no intention of having anything more than sex with her, he still showed more compassion to Genesis than her ex-boyfriend.
Allen had never understood her panic attacks and never even tried. If she had one he would go to the next room, making sure to close the door so he wouldn't her her. He called them her "little fits"...

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