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Peter goes to school with a sensory overload and has to deal with ableist teachers and Flash Thompson being an asshole.


Peter winces as his alarm goes off, blaring the Star War's intro. He rolls over in bed, dragging his fluffy blanket over his head. Even the thickness of the blanket can't block out the bright morning light shining through his curtained window. It also can't block out the shouting from the kitchen and the employees clocking in on the ground floor.

Every movement feels like someone is jabbing needles into Peter's skin. He knows this feeling. He's having a sensory overload. If he doesn't isolate himself and wait it out, he'll eventually fall into a meltdown.
It's a Tuesday. He can't miss school. His teachers and principal refuse to accept his 504 Plan for his autism. He's never told Aunt May or any of the Avengers how ableist his teachers are because it was never an issue before he became Spider-Man.

He became overstimulated sometimes but could contain his meltdowns until he got home. Now that he has accelerated senses, his mind is completely taken over when he becomes overstimulated.

He shuts down, and his brain clocks out. He can't focus or remember anything until his meltdown passes. There is no cure for him other than to sit in a pitch-dark, sound-proof room until he comes back to himself.

His school is supposed to supply a room he can use when he becomes too overwhelmed, but the first - and last - time Peter asked to use it, his teacher laughed in his face and humiliated him in front of the entire class.

He needs to keep his perfect attendance record. A meltdown won't register as a medical issue, and he'll have a blotch on his spotless record.

"Peter, get up," Tony knocks on Peter's door as he passes in the hallway. His voice rattles Peter's brain.

Peter reluctantly drags himself out of bed and changes into his softest pair of sweatpants and a loose t-shirt that shouldn't brush against his skin often. He ties his tennis shoes loosely so he won't feel the material pressing against him.

He trundles down the hallway, dragging his backpack on the carpet behind him. He steps off the elevator and is bombarded by chaos.

"Tony!" Steve yells, stomping up the stairs that lead from the lower floors.


"You know what," Steve says, venomously

"I didn't do anything."

"I'm going to kill you."

Tony must have messed up badly if he has Steve throwing out death threats.

"I'm sorry I painted your shield with glitter glue," Tony cries. He runs from the kitchen, escaping into the living room.

Steve frowns at Tony's back but lets the matter drop. He'll make Tony fix his shield later. Right now, he wants to focus on breakfast.

Peter follows Tony into the living room. "Tony, why did you paint Steve's shield with glitter glue?"

"I felt like it. Oh, and Happy can't drive you to school today. You'll have to walk. You'd better get a move on."

"I haven't eaten breakfast."

"You'll be late if you eat here. Grab something from the kitchen and eat it on the way. You need to hurry. Aunt May will kill me if you're late to school on my watch."

Peter does as Tony says and grabs an apple on his way out of the building. His senses are assaulted the second he exits the safety of being indoors.

He thought it was terrible inside. Outside is much worse. The sun is too bright. His skin hurts when the wind touches it. All the smells attack his nose at once. Everything hurts.

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