chapter thirteen - wisdom ?

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(Ivys POV)

it had been a few days since we decorated, it was now december 4th and
today was the day i was getting my wisdom teeth out. mine, juliens, and lucy's alarms all went off at the same time — 7:30AM. i turned mine off and i heard julien groan beside me, "i know honey" i said, kissing her cheek as she turned her alarm off. i heard lucy turn her alarm off from the other room.

i walked to the bathroom, the door being locked. i assumed it was phoebe since julien and lucy were both in their rooms. "phoebe can you hurry i have to pee and get ready" i said, getting no response back. i waited for a few more minutes before knocking again, more irritated. "phoebe i have to fucking piss" i said, the door opened, it was bo burnham with soaking wet hair. holy shit. i just screamed at bo burnham. bo burnham just showered in my fucking house. what the fuck.

i got really embarrassed, "i'm so sorry" i said, he chuckled. "it's alright, good luck with your surgery today" he said, i nodded. after getting ready i walked back in our room to julien fully dressed on her phone. "i just yelled at bo because i thought he was phoebe and i'm really embarrassed" i said, slapping my hands over my face. she giggled, "oh honey, it's okay" she walked over to me, kissing my forehead.

i walked in lucy's room, i saw her brushing her hair out. she was going with me and julien so i wouldn't freak out after the surgery, and so julien wouldn't have to deal with me completely alone. "you guys ready?" she asked, setting the hairbrush on her vanity. "yeah that's actually what i came in here to ask you" i replied, she grabbed her keys and her, julien, and i all walked out to the car.

"i'm kinda nervous" i said, about halfway through the drive. "we'll be in the waiting room the whole time, to be fair they're just taking your wisdom away" lucy giggled, "haha" i said sarcastically. "oh come on if julien would've said that you would have laughed" she snapped back, "you're right i probably would have" i said, making julien laugh.

"you won't remember a thing, when i got mine out i only remembered going in and getting anesthesia and then waking up at home" julien said, "oh god, i really hope i don't say anything stupid" i said. both of the girls giggled as we pulled up.

my anxiety was absolutely through the roof after i filled out my paperwork. in the waiting room julien and lucy were talking and i was just sitting there. i tend to go nonverbal when i get super anxious, "you okay?" lucy asked me, "yea" i nodded. "are you sure?" she asked again, "i don't know" i replied, my leg bouncing really quickly.

the doctor called my name and i looked at my two friends horrified, i don't why i was so scared, i just was. julien held her hand out, i took it and we walked back. the doctor brought me back to some room and turned to julien, "okay so you can stay in here until her anesthesia kicks in and she starts to fall asleep, but you'll have to leave when we actually do the procedure y'know?" julien nodded.

they put me on numbing and anesthesia, it did start to kick in pretty quick. "alright, i think i have to leave now" julien said, pushing a few strands of hair out of my face. i felt tears well in my eyes, and my voice break. "i don't want you to go, i'm scared" i said, now crying. she looked at me sadly, "oh love, don't cry, it's okay i promise. you won't remember it or feel a thing and me and luce will see you in about an hour" she said, kissing my nose. i nodded, "it's okay. i promise you." she kissed me again, walking out. i remember the doctors coming in and then ——- nothing.

(Juliens POV)

seeing ivy cry broke my heart, it almost made me cry. i walked back in the waiting room and sat down beside lucy, "she started crying" i said. "what? is she okay?" she asked, "yea i think she was just scared, she didn't want me to leave" i said. "yeah she gets anxious about stuff like this" lucy said.

it felt like the longest hour of my life. the doctor finally called me and lucy back, and led us to a different room than before. "she's really loopy, and super emotional" the nurse giggled. we walked in and ivy was crying, "oh honey, what's wrong?" i asked, "i thought you weren't here" she said. "i was just in the waiting room, im right here" i said smiling, kneeling down beside her, and pushing loose strands of hair out of her face.

lucy also kneeled beside us and smiled at ivy, "how ya feeling?" she asked, "high as fuck" ivy replied, making me and lucy cackle. "my lips feel like they're not there" ivy said, poking at her lips like a little kid. "they're still there! the numbing makes it feel like it isn't" lucy said, ivy nodded. 

"can we call phoebe?" ivy asked, me giving her her phone in return. ivy hit facetime on phoebes contact. it rang until i saw ivy's face light up, "hi pheebs!" she said. i heard phoebe and bo both giggle, "hi buddy!" phoebe replied. "how was your surgery?" phoebe asked, "i think they took my tongue" ivy told the silver haired girl, being completely serious. "i think the medicine just makes it feel like that, i can see your tongue, bud." phoebe giggled, ivys brows furrowed. "that's what luce and jules said" she said confused, but quick to change the topic.

after me and lucy talked to phoebe for a few minutes, the phone was handed back to ivy. "okay well i'll see you when you get home, me and bo are going to cook" phoebe said, getting frantically cut off by ivy. "wait! can you make me mashed potatoes?" ivy asked, receiving another two chuckles from phoebe and bo, along with me and lucy. "yeah i can make you some! they'll be ready when you get home" phoebe said, making ivy smile. "okay, thank you, have fun cooking with bo. that's crazy, bo burnham" ivy said, stopping to think.

i took the phone before she could embarrass herself, "okay thank you, bye phoebe we love you, and bye bo!" i said giggling, along with lucy and the other two on the line before they hung up.

a/n: hi!!! i think this chapter is silly :) i LOVE LOVE LOVE the rest!!!! did in fact sob in my girlfriend's arms over voyager, that song felt so targeted 💀 i start work again tomorrow, i've been off for a while because of my health issues, im definitely dreading it. me and my girlfriend are going to see the eras tour movie this weekend! i'm very excited. okay i think that's all from me, this chapter was a bit long :)!!


(1200 words)

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