authors note, ems girlfriend

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hello everyone! i'm em's (the authors) girlfriend. i hardly know how to work this app when it comes to writing terms. anyways, i was told to inform you all that em is in the mental hospital for the next week. everything was getting too much for her to handle and she relapsed. i think being in the ER constantly and stuff has gotten to her head. i might still publish a chapter, if she says she wants me to when i see her. i wish all of you the best, and she did say she's sorry (she shouldn't be, but she insisted that i tell you all that she's really sorry). she'll be back before you know it, considering i don't think she has been updating much anyways.

take care of yourselves, it gets better. em loves and appreciates you all, and so do i, its nice seeing my girl be confident in her own work.

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