Chapter 2

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Hiccup ran up to her bedroom and slammed her bedroom door again so hard that it made the wood shake from the impact. She went to her bed, threw herself upon it, and yelled out her rage with her tears leaking out from her eyes and landing onto her pillow. Shakily taking a breath and yelling out her rage again, Hiccup didn't seem to notice the black dragon from earlier peeking through her window, which stood above her bed, to see what the fuss was about. "He never listens!!" she yelled angrily to herself, "I just wish that I was never born at all!!! Maybe it would've been better if I had died a baby instead of dealing with this horror!!!"

The dragon let out a soft rumble that made Hiccup stop yelling out her rage, and crying out her tears, and looked up to see the black dragon known as the Night fury hovering in her window not even attacking her or showing signs of wishing to attack. Scared, she backed up against the end board of her bed to try and put some distance between them but stopped when she saw the dragons eyes. It had no viscous look in it but actually held curiosity. She looked at the dragon with curiosity herself and tilted her head to the right. The dragon tilted its head to the right before getting itself stuck in the frame.

Giggling a little, Hiccup could see a chance to kill the dragon and prove to her father that she did deserve to be out in the field. But before she could grab her dagger, that resided on her desk near the wall on her left, she stopped and looked more closely at the dragon. It could've attacked her but it didn't and here she was thinking of a way to be finally noticed. Closing her eyes and making a decision, Hiccup cautiously crawled over to the dragon, her hands up in the air to show the dragon that she was defenseless and unarmed. The dragon growled a little in warning gently before trying to pull itself out of its wedge with no such luck. Chuckling a little, she got close enough to the dragon that she could literally smell his breath against her face.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you at all. I promise that I am just here to help you get out of the wedge," said Hiccup softly in a nice tone that she had never heard herself use before in her entire life.

The dragon seemed to have heard her because he stopped growling in warning and just looked at her with uncertainty. Breathing in and out and bunching up whatever muscle she had left, she put her hands on the dragons head and pushed. She could defiantly hear the wood creak and crack, so that meant he was coming unwedged from her window. "Okay hopefully this is the last push to help free you so bear with me on this okay?" she asked gently trying to start a conversation with the dragon to keep it calm from taking her out right here, right now.

Closing her eyes and feeling nothing happen, she opened her light green eyes to see the dragon mimicking her, closing its eyes and relaxing in her hands as if trusting her. Once more, Hiccup gathered her strength and pushed with whatever muscle she had left. Just then the dragon slipped from the window free from its grip. That impact left Hiccup sprawling on her bed with her hands pushed out in front of her, her braided hair layed sprawled over her back, her black skirt splayed around her and her legs, once in a sitting position gesture, were now in a laid out position. "I hope that no one ever gets to hear about this," Hiccup muttered to herself as she pushed herself up and looked to see the dragon gone.

She climbed up her bed and saw the dragon heading into the same forest from before and landed in the middle of a deep trench-like thing. It was weird, like as if the dragon was wanting her to come and see what the reason was why it had saved her earlier. Biting her lip, Hiccup was about to make a choice when she heard the door open and the voice of Gobber ask "Hiccup, are you here?"

Saving the place where the dragon landed in the depths of her mind to remember and climbing back down onto her bed, she replied with a sarcastic remark "What do you think Gobber?"

Her door opened to reveal not Gobber but Arenton standing there with Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs, and Snotlout standing there with a wondering expression. Hiccup was shocked because the teens never came to visit her, excluding Arenton whenever he wanted to ask a question that he was curious about, and had never even came in her house or came up to her room at all. "Uhh, what are you guys doing here exactly?" Hiccup asked awkwardly.

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