Chapter 4

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Walking through the woods as stealthily as she could, and keeping a tight grip on both her sheild and offering, Hiccup walked towards, what she believed to be, the destination that the dragon had wanted her to come to. She carefully pulled herself down a deep cove that apparently had been formed even before Vikings had first sailed here with Bork the Bold. Standing on a rock and clutching her shield tightly in her right hand, she threw her offering into the cove. Hearing them land at different times, Hiccup could definitely tell that the landing at this point was either a fractured skull or a broken leg.

Breathing in and out shakily, she carefully peered over the edge of her rock to see the same black as night dragon standing near the fish, peering cautiously at them before looking up. Just then the both of them made eye contact and did nothing but look at each other with curiosity and a bit of cautiousness in them. Gesturing with her head towards the fish, Hiccup said softly "Go on, they are my peace offering to you Night Fury."

The dragon looked at her then towards the fish before taking one of the fish and chomping on it before it was gone and took the second one in a weird chomping gesture before looking back at Hiccup and gesturing for her to come down. Carefully climbing down her rock ledge, Hiccup felt her legs give out from beneath her and soon enough, she was falling towards the ground. Suddenly, she felt something soften her fall and help her land on the ground. Hiccup could definitely feel something holding onto the back of her shawl in a gummy grip that had stopped her from breaking her leg. Slowly she was set down on the ground and the grip on her shawl was released.

Hiccup turned around to see the Night Fury peering down at her with curiosity and, something that she had never even seen in her father's eyes, concern. Remembering to breathe in order to live, Hiccup took a deep breath in and turned herself around to be sitting forward facing the Night Fury while it stood there on its hind legs looking at her. There was an awkward silence between the two of them before it was shattered when Hiccup's shield went crashing to the ground shattering on the impact. That just made Hiccup shriek a little and jump over to her right away from the shield as the Night Fury growled and looked over at its left to see the remains of the shield.

Shakingly taking a breath in, Hiccup pushed herself away from the Night Fury a little, as the dragon was starting to scare her, until the dragon puts its focus back onto Hiccup with soft eyes and a 'toothless' smile. Remembering that her shawl was the same gummy grip that the dragon now showed her, Hiccup peered closer towards the dragon only to see its teeth tract itself forward. Quickly she pushed herself away from the dragon, with her braid bouncing against her shoulder and moving over towards her back, and tried to stand up but tripped over a small rock. "I-I-I-I'm sorry!! I-I-I-I don't have anymore fish!! Please, please, please don't kill me," begged Hiccup with tears running down her face.

Instead of the dragon eating her it made some weird gulping noises and burped up the second fish, that she had gave it earlier, whole. With tears still running down her cheeks, Hiccup mentally gagged at the sight of the slobbery fish laying in her lap. Studying the possibilities of her life passing before her eyes, she looked at the dragon, who gestured, with its head, towards the fish that was, once a peace offering, lying slobbery on her lap. Looking at it confused, she saw the dragon gesture towards the fish, with its head, again to indicate that it wanted her to eat it in order for her to gain its trust.

Gathering up whatever courage she had left in her system, Hiccup gently lifted the fish and placed it near her mouth. Opening it, and debating whether or not she will do this, she took a bite out of the fish and pushed the slobbering meat off of her tongue. Chunking up her cheeks and wanting to give the fish back, she held the fish towards the dragon with both hands and nodded her head to say that it was great. The dragon tilted its head to the right, looked at her, recently full, cheeks, and made a swallowing gesture indicating that she should swallow it right now if she wanted to gain more of its trust.

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