Chapter 10

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Hiccup woke up the next day with crusty eyes, only to see a cage surrounding her. From the sound of things outside, she seemed to be trapped in a cage on a boat heading towards who knows where. She crawled her way up to the front of the cage and placed her hands on the iron bars, only to pull them back hissing in pain. It seems as if they had heated the bars up pretty high to make sure that she never even tried to think of escaping. Grunting with pain, she looked at her hands to see them in the shade of red and estimated that they should heal within two days or maybe one day if she had her medicine bag. The one time I wish that I had paid attention to what Gothi did when I burnt my hands back on Berk, she thought annoyingly to herself.

Sighing she heard Toothless ask Hiccup, are you okay?

"Yes, I just burnt my hands on these Iron bars. They must've known that I would try to escape when I woke up. How did they know where our hideout was bud?" Hiccup asked while massaging her right hand before moving onto her left.

I don't know but they did and when I tried to protect you, they took me by surprise and knocked me out while taking you when you were sleeping through all this, replied Toothless glumly as he layed his head down on the floor of his cell across from her.

"Don't worry, I'll get us out of here bud. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise," Hiccup vowed courageously as she scooted herself forward as close as she could get to the front of her cage and reached out a hand through the gap of her cell.

Toothless slid his tail fin through his gap of his cell and touched it with her hand. With that vow made, Hiccup quickly got to work on her escape plan. She got out her one of her hidden daggers, they had taken her Gronckle Iron sword but didn't bother checking her for her daggers, and began working on keeping her identity hidden from her father. Minutes later she had fashion a black leather hood that might not shade the lower half of her face but kept her hidden just fine. Then, using the scraps of leftover black leather from her skirt, that now went to the upper part of her knees with the remaining black leather attached to it, she wrapped her injured hands tightly until she deemed it perfect enough to not burn herself anymore. Hearing footsteps come her way, she quickly hid her dagger back in its place and pulled her newly made hood forward to keep disguise herself as the footsteps stopped at the door of her cell. "Come on kid, let's go. We are here," announced Gobber as he opened the door to her cell without feeling himself get burned at all.

"Where are we exactly?" Hiccup asked in her soft disguised voice as she got up.

"We are at Berk ma'am. Now come along, we will have a trial to see what the cheif will do to you and your dragon," replied Gobber blankly as he gestured for her to get a move on.

"Is my dragon going to come with me?" She asked hopefully as she walked out of her cell.

"Oh yes he is coming with us but he needs to stay down here until we dock because I don't trust you both on the top deck without trying to escape," confirmed Gobber as he shut her cell door before pushing her forward gently as if to say 'come on let's go'.

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