Chapter 13

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As they were finishing up training their own Terrible Terrors, the gang headed out of the arena with their new pet Terrors to show around Berk. Everyone in the group was happy with their training progress today. Arenton got a gray and black Terror named Claws because he had black sharp retractable claws, Tuffnut got a yellow Terror named Head-butt because he accidentally taught it how to do his signature move of the head-butt, Fishlegs got a light brown and yellow Terror named Skippy because she loved to skip around Fishlegs's shoulders, and Snotlout got a light blue and red Terror named Bitey because she bit his leg the whole time he tried to train her. Whether she was annoyed by Snotlout's presence or she was just angered, Hiccup will never know why it took Bitey so long to be trained.

She shook off that thought and lightly scratched Crawler under his chin as he layed his head on her right shoulder and draped his tail over her left shoulder. Crawler purred happily and snuggled more closely to her. Hiccup laughed lightly and continued walking through the village with Toothless not far behind her. It was a peaceful day that maybe they could do an afternoon flight. But sadly it was interrupted by someone shouting "Dragon Raid!!!"

Hiccup turned around quickly to look at the sky and saw, to her surprise, Storm and Ashfire flying towards her home village. She heard the footsteps of her father coming to her, so she quickly had to tell him to stop. "Dad!! Wait!!" Hiccup yelled as her father ran past her to defend the town.

Her father turned around and asked "What is it Hiccup because I have a town to defe-"

"Dad those are my friends! They won't harm the town as long as you guys don't harm them!" Hiccup shouted as she ran past her father to meet her two friends in the center of the village.

"Wait if those are your friends, then why are they coming here?" asked her father as he came close enough to stop her by placing a hand on her shoulder and stopping the run as she did.

"I really don't know dad. But if they are coming here, then something bad must be happening on the new Dragon Paradise Island that I know nothing about and maybe the devastating storm must be on its way towards my home island," answered Hiccup truthfully before running around him and making it to the center of the town as her friends landed there.

Storm looked like a Deadly Nadder to everyone but she was a weather dragon that was an unknown species to the Book of Dragons. Ashfire was a Deadly Nadder and looked to Storm, and also to Hiccup, like a sister because she often warned them first of a storm heading to them before heading to where Hiccup formerly lived. "Storm!! Ashfire!! Boy am I so glad to see you both!!!" squealed Hiccup with glee as she ran over to hug Storm first then Ashfire second.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and dropped their weapons as these dragons were friends of Hiccup. Crawler flew off of Hiccup's shoulder to allow her to hug her friends and layed on top of Toothless's head. We are glad to see you to Hiccup, replied Ashfire as she bumped her head against Hiccup affectionately who laughed and placed her hand against the bottom of her jaw while her other hand went against her snout.

Yeah, we are Hiccup but we both bring devastating news about both your island and something dangerous that even I have not come across before. But Ashfire has seen this thing before, said Storm sadly before turning to Ashfire.

Ashfire gave a sad squelch roar before looking down sadly remembering what that species did to her family. "Ashfire, what happened? You never told me how you were separated from your family," asked Hiccup softly as she stroked Ashfire's nose gently.

I have seen this thing before and really it's a species of dragons that is kind of like a Whispering Death species you came across before but it's bigger. This species of dragons is the one who killed my family. That is why I don't talk about them much because it pains me to say it and now that it's back, I really don't know what it is after but maybe it was the one that destroyed our original home in the first place, explained Ashfire sadly.

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