Teach me a lesson.

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Sofiane grabbed the crop with one hand, tapping it lightly into her palm with the other as the narrow sound of the object making contact with her skin sent a few shivers down my spine.
As I watched her move forward with confidence, continuing to play with her crop, a sick smile on her face, all her gestures just made me want to slap her... no, really, what did this woman think she was doing?
Although I had a lot of mixed feelings right now, it was clear that the strongest feeling was fear.  Indeed, the fact that I was mistreated for a long time by my colleagues is not the only trauma I have suffered in my life.  During my years at the orphanage, I had been hit many times by the director and the older children.  So it's obvious that I have a horrible fear of the whip and the thought of being hit again terrifies me.

"What do I see? It seems like I was finally able to remove that arrogant expression from your face" Sofiane's voice came to take me out of these horrible memories and I looked at her.  It bothers me that she can have any influence over me, she's already made this body suffer enough.  First with the previous Mylène and now with me?  No way !
Swallowing my fear, I stared at Sofiane, giving her a cocky smile.

"So you plan to hit me? And why?"

Actually, I don't know why I'm even asking this question.  It seems rather obvious, this woman, after the humiliation I subjected her to in Dad's office, wants to convince herself that she can still regain control.  That she remains and remains the mistress of the house and what could be simpler than to demonstrate this by harassing the person who threatens her power.  If she returns to that time when her mere presence terrorized Mylène, then the latter would calm her ardor and stop her thoughts of revolt.
Yes, a good lesson in both physical and psychological violence. Don't we say that a good lesson is one which passes through the flesh and penetrates into the spirit, leaving an indelible mark there.  Horror and terror have always gone hand in hand.
Except that here, it's no longer just about Mylène, but about me, Valeria, a woman who has suffered so much humiliation that she is really fed up.  If Sofiane wants war, she will have it.
I looked at her searching for that answer I already knew and waited for her to finally open it.

“You forgot your place and I’m going to remind you.”  Sofiane responded angrily while I really huffed at the obvious.
So I decided to continue speaking.  I don't know what I was waiting for, but I wanted to buy enough time, who knows, Fancy would come by or maybe, Azef... I shook my head remembering what happened earlier before  to turn my attention back to Sofiane.  It's better to take it step by step.
What if I pushed her a little more to her limits?

"Hahaha...no let me remind you of yours instead...you're just dad's tool wife who he doesn't care about, the one he took for social reasons, no consideration at all. But why do you want to think that you are more important than that?"

“You bastard…” at this point Sofiane was already fuming but I wasn’t done with her yet.

"Also I wonder if all of you here, especially you Sofiane, have realized that dad adores me. Which means that if you take it out on me, his anger towards you will not be easy and I don’t want to imagine what he will do to you and your henchmen.”
I felt the people who were holding me back, but you have to believe that this old witch Sofiane is not going to let herself be taken down by my threat.

"I'll make sure to hit you in places he won't see."
  Is she serious there?

“Knowing that I’m going to go bring it to him?”

"And even...what will be the punishment? Just reprimands and that's it, yet I'm going to inflict a fear on you that you won't be able to forget in a hurry; I'm going to traumatize you and you'll forget all your big plans."

My head really hurts.  As I thought, she wanted to inflict trauma on me to send me back to the Mylène of yesteryear.  Damn, after the wonderful feeling of Azef's arms, I now had to endure this woman's stupidities?  But frankly ,I'm fed up, I want to get out of here but the people who are holding me back are no longer really afraid of my threat... they have their masks and think they are safe even if I decide to denounce them.

“Hold still, we’re going to do this quickly and well.”

The people holding me tightened their grip on my limbs as I began to get anxious.
I can bring it back but damn I'm scared.  I opened my eyes wide, my heart beating rapidly, it would be dishonest to say that I am not afraid.  I don't know how to defend myself and that's when I tell myself that I did something stupid for not signing up for self-defense classes when I received the leaflets at the office.

I could indeed get revenge later but for the moment, the very idea of ​​getting hit terrifies me.  Given the look on Sofiane's face, I know full well that it won't be fun and that she will just lash out, making sure to hit me with as much violence as her hatred towards me can express.

I tried to free myself from my captors but I was still restricted in my movements.  The whip came up in front of me when I could already see the blow coming.

It's going to hurt, I know it given the strength and rage I see in my mother-in-law's eyes, I gritted my teeth, then…

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