Chapter 4

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"What do you mean by?- Oh." Emz lets out as she saw her uncle almost biting Y/N's neck, but Y/N pushed him away. "No biting."

"AwwwWwH.. BuT liL' bAt.." He sounded.. Drunk. "Hm, he doesn't usually call people nicknames, and if he did he doesn't call people that type of nicknames.. I think he likes you." Emz said..

"Why did you explain thAt like if I wasN't heREEeefFTT..~" Mortis coughed. "BuT!" He raised his hand, lifting his finger. "You're-" He coughed again. "-RiGht.. I like them..." He puts his hand back to normal, tracing their jawline, until Frank, effortlessly, lifted Mortis up and tried to take him to his room to rest.

But Mortis wouldn't let go of Y/N, he looked like a cat that wouldn't let go of a sofa or pillow because it's nails would get stuck.. In this case, Mortis' arms were around Y/N's torso, not letting go. "HiiIssSSS!" He hissed. Mortis finally lets go of Y/N, being lifted by his friend, Frank, to his room. "So.. How did he get his fever? How can he even get a fever? He's a vampire.. I didn't know vampires could get fevers." Y/N spoke, Emz chuckled. "Well.. They can, especially this vampire right here, he's a little dumb. As for how did he get a fever.. It's actually funny. Two days ago, we were headed to Snowtel to help Pam and Jessie to fix Lou because he malfunctioned a little, so when we finished, Lou, to say thank you, he let us pick any flavor of 3 slushies, and since Mortis was kind of annoying when we told him to not eat them all at once, especially since it was real cold in that place, he didn't listen and here we are." Emz explained. Y/N nodded while she spoke, "Ok, so, long story short... Fever by slushies?" "Fever by slushies."

"...That's the more stupid reason of having a fever I've heard in my entire life." Y/N added, chuckling afterwards, Emz did the same. "Yep. That's my uncle right there." "Wait, Mortis is your uncle?" Emz nodded. "Woah.. Hey, so, what do you want to do now?" Emz thought for a bit.. "How about.. Hmm.. Have you met the other brawlers yet?", "Nuh-uh, just some of them."

"Oh, then, you have to meet Poco! He's a really cool guy, and he can play the guitar!" Emz grabbed their hand, forcing them to get up. "Get up, we're going to go meet him.", "Actually- Maybe he's busy, and I don't really want to go, you know? I'm kind of tired." Y/N said, Emz seemed disappointed, but nodded anyways. "Ok then.. Want to... Hmm.. Bake cookies?", "Sure, why not? I love cookies.. You can bake, right, Emz?"

"Sure I ca!-"

Time skip

"HOW DID THE MILK EVEN BURN?!" Y/N yelled, panicked, looking for something to 'turn off' the fire (Sorry I forgot how to say it) "I DON'T KNOW I JUST BURNT IT IN SOME WAY-"


"I DON'T KNOW! Ugh, even Amber can't burn it like this, I'm so bad-"



"OH- Hey, Mortis! Aren- Uh, Aren't you supposed to be in bed?" Y/N asked nervously, eyes kept on the burning milk. Mortis tilted his head seeing the fire, "I'm already fine, vampires recover quickly from small fevers.. Though, I cough a little sometimes- THAT'S NOT THE POINT, WHY IS THE MILK BURNING?!"

Y/N pointed at Emz as she gasped, "YOU TRAITOR!"

"Oh, young lady, you're so grounded-", "Y/N HELPED ME WITH IT!"

Y/N was the one to gasp now, "YOU TRAITOR!"

"Yeah, they did, but they're lucky they're pretty, because if not I wouldn't ground them-" "I'm not your relative, you can't ground m-" "-STOP THE FIRE ATLEAST!"

"Sorry, sorry-"

Soon enough, they got rid of the fire.

Later, Y/N decided to meet some other brawlers, and since they couldn't go alone because they were still new, they had Mortis as company. Emz couldn't because she had planned to hang out with her friends, and Frank wanted to stay at home all day because he was going to watch all movies of a sequel.

While the tall vampire walked beside the human, he couldn't help to glance at the new brawler every now and then, while also looking around.

Every time someone passed by, brawler or not, Mortis would squint his eyes in annoyance, hold a disgusted face, roll his eyes.. It's like everyone that passed would ruin his day just by looking at them. But when that happened, he would look at Y/N without them knowing...

What was it in Y/N that would calm down Mortis? It was so confusing to him, they knocked on Mortis's door and all he could do is attempt to bite them, and still, Y/N kept being.. Kind to them? No, kind was not the right word, it was more like... Y/N wasn't scared of him, not even a little.

Mortis shook his head attempting to get those thoughts out of his head, and replaced them with an idea. "You, mortal." Y/N turned their head to Mortis, him having their full attention. "I know someone you can meet, just, try not to feel too..."

He looked up at, what it seemed, a train station. Looks.. Haunted, abandoned even.

"Uncomfortable." Mortis finished, smirking as Y/N gulped, looking up at the abandoned-looking building.

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