Chapter 10

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Warning: Cuss words (Thank you, Bibi..)
Edgar slept, hugging Y/N from behind...

But Y/N was just trying to get off, they had to feed the felines. "Edgar, you Rodrick Heffley ripoff, get off!" Y/N snapped, pushing Edgar off the bed, maybe a little too much, since he fell off the bed, bringing Y/N down too, groaning in pain as he rubbed the back of his head to try to ease the pain. "Ugh! What's wrong with you?!"

"Oh, i'm sorry, i'm sorry- But it was your fault for grabbing me while I was asleep!", "And it was your fault to sleep in my bed!"





"NUH-U-" Y/N got interrupted by someone slamming the door open, "WAKE UP, BITCHES! IT'S TRAINING TI- Oh."

It was Bibi, she looked at both brawlers.. Specifically their position. Y/N on top of Edgar, sitting on his lap, while both hands were at both sides of Edgar's head. "Oh... Did I come at a bad time? You lovebirds look busy.." She chuckled, Y/N quickly got up, so did Edgar, dusting themselves off.

"Uh- Training time you say? Do you mean a training field or-", "Yeah, after training, we can go I don't know, fight in gem grab, if you like. With Edgy boy too." Bibi said, a smile on her face. Edgar glared at Bibi.

Edgar then felt someone staring at them, he turned his head to see Y/N staring at him. "Edgy boy.. Maybe I can use that nickname.", "Please don't."

"Okay then, Edgy boy, Bibi, let's go." They took their hoodie and their bag with their two weapons. "Hey I have a question, right now I just have four bowling pins to throw (A/N: Y/N has got four recharge attacks, like Max) but when I throw them do I have to take them again from the floor or.."

"Oh, no, no, no, that would be boring, it's like magic, when you throw your attack, in this case bowling pins, you have to wait a little for it to recharge and when you look inside your bag, they'll be right there again, ready for you to throw them." Bibi explained to Y/N while the three walked beside each other.

"That's cool." Bibi nodded in agreement, and soon enough, they arrived at the gem grab, Bibi looked at Y/N. "Before you fight, it's optional if you want to leave your precious things in a small room, so you don't lose them during a fight, it's recommended. Each battle field has a small room in the entrance.. Do you have something to put there?"

Y/N thought for a bit while taking out their phone.. Oh!

Y/N quickly took something out of their bag, their notebook and pencilcase, and then a photo. They saved the photo in the pencilcase and closed it, putting it in the room. "Done, we can start now." Y/N said with another one of their smiles on their face, hands on their hips.

"Ok but... You have to be careful, alright? Since you're new, you have to get used to some attack noises and getting some scratches."

"Oh, how bad can it be?"


"IT'S BAD!" Y/N yelled, getting hit in the head with a shoe. "VERY BAD!" They added, their grip on their bowling pin tightening. Loud noises everywhere, but not too loud, chaos, like, literally chaos everywhere.

The teams were Bibi, Y/N and Edgar against a guy named Fang, a girl named Mandy and another guy named Chester.

And let me tell you, that as previously said, it was chaos, at least for Y/N, for the other ones it was like a normal day.

Mandy fought with Bibi, Fang with Edgar, and Chester with.. This person right here who hid from the jester with a bowling pin on their hand, Y/N looked beside them, where there was another brick-like wall, but between it was a little too risky to run to it and hide since Chester was right there, waiting for Y/N to come out. "Oh, come on, Y/N, why so scared?"

"Maybe because I have low health and you have it full, and also the fact that you're more stronger than me?-" Y/N said. "Awh, me? Strong? Oh, you flatter me."

Y/N took a deep breath, calming themselves down, and then getting up quickly, running to the other wall with bushes, while shooting two bowling pins at Chester, the jester couldn't react quickly and now had half of his health, he was about to use his random super that was the healing candy but before he could, Y/N came out of the bushes, shooting him again with another bowling pin, and another one, and boom, dead jester.

The jester dropped all of his gems when dying, Y/N took some of them, since they ran to another bush when hearing footsteps coming closer, attempting to hide..

Keyword: Attempting, since a shoe flew infront of their face, barely hitting them. Y/N gasped and looked at their left, revealing Fang looking at them with a neutral face. Y/N and him stared at each other for a few seconds before Y/N shot him with a bowling pin, catching him off guard. Y/N began running. "Wha- Hey! Get back here!" He began chasing them.

Meanwhile, in another place in the battle field...

"Maybe if you didn't act so obsessive with them, they would like you, edgy boy." Bibi glared at Edgar, and Edgar did the same to her. "Or, maybe if you didn't get in my way, they would be already liking me, bubblegum bitch."

"Don't you call me that, you fucking asshole-" "Then don't call me edgy boy, shithead-"

"GUYS! A FOX EARED BOY IS CHASING ME, HELP!" A familiar voice yelled, passing by Edgar and Bibi, who was being held by the shirt collar by the boy with eyeliner. When Y/N was far enough, Fang was going to continue to chase them until he saw Edgar holding Bibi's shirt collar, his fist raising and so did Henry's hands, while Bibi was ready to hit him with Mr. Bat.

"..What are you guys doing?- What- Were you guys fighting?" Fang stopped in his tracks, confused. The duo looked at Fang, then at each other again but with glares. Edgar threw Bibi to the floor harshly, "It's nothing.."

"Are you sure-" Fang got eliminated by Edgar with two hits.

"Not your business, popcorn boy.. Tsk." Edgar muttered, taking some other gems in sight, the countdown of fifteen seconds starting.

While Bibi got up, dusting herself off, and glared daggers at Edgar's back of the head...

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