Chapter 8

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Thank you all for your support, for some it isn't much, but for me? It's a lot. Thank you so much for reading this silly book I made!


As Y/N walked home, they still thought of a name to put the three cats. They opened the door with one key on their hand and the box on the other.

They thought and thought.. How about Simba?- No, that's a boy's name.. And Nina? No, boring..

Emily? Too used.

Miss Whiskers?- Definitely not.

Ooh, maybe Gwendalyn, the mother, and the two sisters, Lilith and Edalyn!

...No, that's from The Owl House..

Since when was it so difficult giving a name to some cats?

Y/N looked at the cats.. Maybe, instead of thinking of what to name them, they should buy the food..

Y/N sighed, they hoped the shops were open still.. Y/N walked to their shared room with Edgar and knocked. Some groaning was heard, then some shuffling and then some footsteps. Y/N waited and the door opened.

"What the hell do you wan- Oh." Edgar covered his mouth so he couldn't talk. Seconds later, he removed the hand, with widened eyes making eye contact with Y/N. "Sorry, Y/N, do you uh.. Need something?" He sounded nervous.

"Hey Edgar, nice uhm.." Y/N looked at his shirt and pants.. "Nice.. Kuromi and Melody pijama." Y/N said awkwardly, still with the box in hands. There was a short silence, and suddenly Edgar slammed the door shut, startling Y/N and the cats, some shuffling inside was heard..

Meanwhile, inside the room...

Edgar quickly took off his pants and shirt, running to his closet, (since it was two sides of the room, one side for Edgar and another for Y/N) opening it in a quick move revealing two or three photos in the closet's wall.. of Y/N.

He threw the pijama in the clothing box, pulling out another pair of clothes and putting them on quickly.

He then opened the door, this time more relaxed, acting like nothing happened.

"Ahem.. Go on." He said, leaning on the door frame, arms crossed.. His scarf hit him on the back of his head. He yelped in pain. "Ow!- Henry! Stop that!"

"..Hi Henry." Y/N waved awkwardly, the scarf- I mean, Henry, waved. "Awh, he's so friendly.. Anyways, Edgar, could you take care of uhm.."

Y/N looked at the cats..

"Of Molly, Mochi and Julie? I have to go buy some cat food and I just hope they're open still.."

(A/N: Thanks -emwritesforaliving for giving me those three names ^^)

Edgar held a confused face, until he looked inside the box Y/N held and gasped. "Kitty.." He grabs the box.

"..Is that a yes?", "Yeah. I'll take care of them, you go and buy the food." Edgar gave Y/N a small smile, a genuine one. "Ok, thanks Edgar.. Also you have your pants unzipped and your underwear is visible- Ok, goodbye!" Y/N walked away, leaving the Epic's room, not before taking their bag that had gems and coins.

"Haha.. Yeah... Wait what-"

Y/N chuckled, hearing Edgar's voice from outside the Epic's room.

They left the building, catching a glimpse of someone waving at them goodbye, they looked beside them and a little far away was Bea waving at them. Y/N smiled and waved back, still walking.

There was just.. Something so... Familiar. Something familiar about Bea...

Bea.. Bea... That name ringed in Y/N's mind, why couldn't they remember? It was really familiar..

Soon enough, they were going to find out.. One way or another.

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