Chapter 27

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The next day
Sylvie's POV
Gabby and I promised David that we would come back to the hospital before we headed back to Chicago. When we parked Gavin and Enimy rushed to get out of the car. Can we go see daddy Emily asked. Can we please Cabin begged. Gabby told us to go ahead in and her and Tanner would be in soon. We only stayed in the hospital for he an hour Gavin got to see his Mon since he wouldn't be seeing her for a while. She couldn't take care of Gavin so he was coming back to Chicago with us. Davis also had to stay two days longer until her mom arrived. When Gavin came back from visiting his mom we left the hospital and headed back to Chicago.
Back at Matt and Gabby's house
In Chicago
Matt's POV
The twins had both managed to fall asleep around 10:20 yesterday night. Than this morning I awoke to Garcia crying. I asked Garçon what happened he looked at me and shrugged his shoulder. Garcia grabbed her phone and showed me a picture of Luke kissing another girl in the Dominican and it was posted yesterday. Also it was more than one picture. Garçon almost jumped out of his own clothes. He doesn't like when guys mess with his sisters. I told him to take my spot and try to calm Garcia. Just as I went to get my phone to call Gabby the twins started crying.
An hour later
Cabby's POV
I had just dropped Emily, Gavin and Sylvie off now I was headed home. When I got home I took Tanner out of his car and went straight upstairs. When I heard all the commotion I walked up the stairs faster. Casey greeted me he told me the hold story I ran in my sister room to comfort her and I told Casey to call Antonio. Antonio was here ten minutes later. After and hour of crazy house things had returned to normal and I could finaly go lay down in my own bed. When I walked in the room to see Matt rocking Tanner and talking to him it was the sweetest thing I walked up behind the both of them. Casey then put Tanner in his crib and he pulled me into a big hair and once or twice he would say I love you to break the silence. If we could have we would have stayed like that the whole night but when we got a knock on the door everyone rushed to see who it was. Antonio was the first to the door. He opened it slowly so we couldn't see who it was.
Who was at the door and why this early..............

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