Chapter 23

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Sylvie had just picked Emily up from daycare. Sylvie gave Emily a snack while she got into some relaxing clothes. After a while Sylvie and Emily went to there backyard and played. Sylvie and Emily had been playing soccer ball when she got a call from Zane. She told Emily to kick the soccer ball around while she went to go get the phone. After about ten minutes Sylvie went back outside she thought Emily was playing hide'n'seek until she looked everywhere and still couldn't find her. She called Emily's name and got no reply. She ran in the house looking in every room for Emily. When she got to the last room in the house she ran to call Gabby.
Gabby and Sylvie conversation
Gabby: Yeah what's up everything OK.
Sylvie: Gabby you have to Ger over here now Emily's missing.
Gabby: Can you give me ten minutes Matt just finished construction on a house and he said he'll watch Tanner for me.
Slvie: What am I suppose to do she's missing.
Gabby: Alright I'm coming.
Sylvie(crying) I have to find her.
Gabby: kk I'm coming
20 minutes later
Gabby's pov
As soon as we arrived Casey grabbed Tanner and his baby bag and we ran to Sylvie's door. I knocked on the door and Sylvie answered in like five seconds she ran in my arms and started crying. After Sylvie had finished telling us what happened. I asked her for her ex boyfriend number she gave the number to me. Th number was invalid I called Antonio hoping that he could help. He told me he would try his best and that he would make it an investigation. After a few hours Zane got home when he heard what happened he tried everything in his will to comfort her. Matt gave me the eye then started speaking. Sylvie I hate to leave you here while your in this situation but right now Tanner is being a little wrestless, Casey said. Sylvie gave us a hug and told us she would see us at work tomorrow. Casey and I both told her to take time off until everything was solved.
At the police station
The next day
Antonio had bought in the father who pretty much told the whole story of how he met this guy that was willing to take Emy away so he could get her for his wedding but he ran didn't have enough money to pay the guy so he took her to a warehouse but he didn't know where.
At the firehouse
Antonio's Pov
I told Gabby if she could get the whole firehouse and chief out here so I could tell them something. When all the guys we're rounded up I started to talk. Guys as you all know Emily is missing but we need your help. Any call that yall may get dealing with a warehouse call me. Please have me on speed dial and no one tell Sylvie.
At night
Matt's POV
We didn't have that many calls today but the last call of the day had just come. Truck 81, Ambulance 61, Squad 3, and Battalion 25 warehouse fire Mourse Avenue. Chief gave me the knodd as I got in the truck I told Antonio about the warehouse fire. When we got there the police department was already there. When we got our orders from chief we put our gas mask on and ran in the building. When Herman and I checked the last room in the corner we saw Emily balled up in a ball Herman picked her up and we both ran to the stretcher. I was as Rafferty and Gabby shocked her and did compressions. When Gabby said she going to intabate. I asked her if she was crazy she did it on dummies but never on a person. She grabbed the kit and began everybody watched as she did it. She Rafferty checked for a pulse and said it was weak but would work I helped them get into the ambo and then hopped in I told Herman take my spot and I watched as Gabby gave moephine to Emily. When Gabby turned around to get an IV Emily opened her eyes I told Gabby to look. She asked Emily to blank twice if she could hear her and then she said squeeze my hand twice if you can feel this.When Rafferrty heard this she smied.
At the hospital
Gabby's POV
When we got to the hospital we gave Emily to the doctors as we gave Emily to the doctors she went into shock. When I saw Matt behind me he came towards me as I ran towards him. We gave each other a long passionate kiss before going hand and hand to the waiting room everyone was waiting in the room. Matt and is at across from Sylvie and Zane. After a hour of waiting the doctor walked in. Hi, I'm doctor Roscoe I am happy to say Emily will make a full recovery and she is allowed visitors but due to recent custody issues. The mother of Emily is the only parent of Emily that can see her.

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