Chapter One

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Stress had taken over every cell of Lena's body and was clinging onto them for dear life.

Her mind was blurred, the letters swirled up into a blur in front of her eyes and the words she was reading didn't make any sense. She sighed, dropping the papers on her bed. Her face scrunched in frustration; a wrinkle appeared on her forehead.

It was pointless. She wouldn't get anything in her head tonight, not with the knowledge in the back of her head that the first day of college was tomorrow.

Revising her high school materials had sounded like a great idea in theory but was impossible to convert into action, especially since she was so distracted.

Her roommate Petra had gone out and left her alone. At first, Lena had been glad that she wasn't interested in parties and could completely focus on her revision, but now she regretted not going with her. Maybe a night out would keep her mind occupied.

But the night was still young, and the bars were still open.

She would go out and find someone that would help her forget.

It sounded like an extraordinarily stupid idea and nothing Lena would normally do, but this was a day of new beginnings, a new version of herself.

Quickly, Lena rumored through her closet, trying to find something to wear. In the end, she picked a classic black dress that showed just the right amount of cleavage. This had to help her find a distraction. Taking a deep breath, Lena left her dorm room, stepping outside into the cold night. The air was burning in her lungs, for a summer night, it was surprisingly cold already. She made her way off campus and into the small town connected to it. The houses were enlightened, restaurants and bars were towering up in front of her. Lena had a hard time picking one, but in the end, the least crowded one seemed to be the most appealing to her.

As she stepped into the bar, her nostrils flared at the sharp smell that greeted her. The music was light, the air was sticky and thick, making it hard to breathe. This was not the environment Lena was used to. But again, she wanted to try something new. She made her way to the bar, settling down on a stool. After she had ordered a drink and received it successfully, she started to sip on it. What was she supposed to do now?

To make the situation clear, she looked around the room. People were slow-dancing to the soft music, engaging in conversations, and playing drinking games. Everyone seemed to have fun. Everyone except her. Maybe it was because she was lonely. No one was on their own. No one except the woman across the bar. She was also sipping on her drink, doing the exact same thing Lena was doing. Looking around the room, then locking eyes with Lena. Lena gulped and almost choked on her drink. Her eyes were mesmerizing, staring deep into her soul. Lena could not quite tell her eye color, but she guessed it was blue.

They had been keeping eye contact for a few seconds, and Lena wondered if she should look away. So she did, quickly, she lowered her gaze.

Damnit, she was here to have fun. That included getting to know new people.

Slowly, she got up from her stool, heading towards the mysterious woman.

Clearing her throat, she sat down on the stool next to her.

"Hello.", she let out, her voice was breathy.

It sounded less confident than she had intended it to sound. Lena could curse herself for being so awkward and nervous. Quickly, she took another sip from her drink, hoping for the alcohol to have an effect.

The woman's lips curled into a smirk; she raised an eyebrow at her.

"And you are?", she asked, almost amused.

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