Chapter Six

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It was happening again.
Classes were over, no one was around. Lena would do anything to be in her room right now. Sit on her bed and study. Or read a book. Or do anything else.
How did she even get into this situation? She didn't know when to stay quiet. Fought back when one of the girls said something mean. Now they were surrounding her.

"We weren't done with you yesterday.", one girl said. Her hair was blonde and the grin on her face caused Lena to shiver.

She felt the cool wall against her back. They wouldn't do anything to her, would they?
She couldn't get out any words. Why was she so afraid? It was ridiculous. She had to stand up for herself.

"Lost your voice?", the girl mocked her.

"Fuck off!", she managed to get out.

"What did you just say?"

"I said fuck off."
Lena's voice was shaking.
For a moment, silence filled the hallway.
Lena swallowed down her fear. She couldn't let them walk all over her again. She was stronger than that.

The sound of a door opening startled her; all heads turned. Lena breathed out in relief as she saw who was standing in the hallway.
Cat's face was confused at first, then it turned stern.

"Leave her alone. How old do you think you are?", she asked.

"We didn't do anything.", the blonde girl defended herself.

"You clearly are harassing her. Do that again and trust me, you will not be studying here any longer."

The girls stared at the professor, not believing her words. Cat was known to be strict, but she was a calm person. And usually, she minded her business.

"This will have consequences. Now leave!"
Lena had never seen Cat that angry, not even when half of the class had not handed in their essay.

Finally, they left and Lena and Cat were alone. Lena was ashamed. She stared at the floor; the wooden pattern suddenly very interesting.
"I didn't need your help.", she quietly said.

"Really? Your arms tell me otherwise."

She swallowed. Cat was right. She was pathetic.
"Thank you.", she then felt the need to say.
Cat did save her after all. But she didn't need to be saved. She could handle shit, but sometimes a little help was nice.

"Did they hurt you?"

Lena shook her head. She wanted to leave. Avoid Cat. Because she clearly didn't care about her. Of course, she didn't. Why would anyone care?

She didn't recognize that she was playing with the bandages on her arms. It still hurt. But Lena would never admit that.
Cat recognized her movements and a worried frown settled on her face.

"Let me see.", she gently said, carefully taking her hand.

"I'm fine.", Lena said, but she didn't sound convincing.

"You're in pain.", Cat recognized. She started to unwrap the bandage, frowning again as she saw her wounds.
"See, there's still a splinter in your hand."

Lena watched her fix her hand. It didn't even hurt because Cat was so gentle with her.

"I have some spare bandages in my classroom.", the woman then said as she carefully guided her towards the room.

Lena wondered why Cat was doing this. She didn't say a word as Cat covered the wounds again.
She must've looked a little startled because Cat's face turned worried.


Lena hummed in response.

Cat sighed, then she placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"You're okay.", she mumbled, smiling at the girl.

Lena didn't know how to react. Cat was so gentle with her, it almost seemed like she cared. But she couldn't.
Instead, she just hugged her. She needed comfort so badly. And even if Cat didn't like her, she had to take everything she could get.
Cat was confused but didn't push the girl away. She breathed in her sweet perfume, realizing how fragile Lena was in her arms.

"Thank you.", Lena then said, pulling back.

Cat didn't know what she was thinking. If she was even thinking. But the words left her mouth before she could regret them.
"I will give you my number. In case those girls ever harass you again."

Lena looked confused for a second, then she started to smile.
"You're being so nice.", she said as she handed Cat her phone so she could save her number.

"I can't stand seeing you getting hurt."
Cat realized how bold she was sounding. Lena was staring at her, ,Cat could see her mind working, trying to figure out what Cat meant by that.
"I mean anyone getting hurt.", she quickly added.

"Of course.", Lena nodded. She had to stop herself from grinning. Cat did care about her. At least a little bit.

"You should leave now."

Lena nodded, knowing her victory. She said her good byes and then went straight to her dorm.
During the rest of the day, she couldn't stop smiling.
Of course she knew that it was wrong. Cat was her professor and liking her had serious consequences. But why did it feel so good? So refreshing?

As she was lying in bed, she was debating whether she should text her or just leave her alone. Maybe Cat would be annoyed. But Lena wanted to talk to her.
Petra was already asleep, Lena didn't turn on any lights as she grabbed her phone. She stared at Cat's contact for a while before she started typing.

Lena: Hi:)

Three dots popped up almost immediately.

Cat: Why are you still up?

Lena: Could ask you the same thing

Cat: Couldn't sleep

Lena: Me neither

Cat: Try to get some rest, you will need it

Maybe Lena should've just said good night. But it was late and she wasn't thinking straight.

Lena: For what? ;)

Cat: Good night, Lena

Lena put away her phone. Sleeping didn't even occur to her. She had so much on her mind. Did Cat like her? Or was she just one of her students? It was naive to think that they could ever be something more. Maybe friends. Friends with benefits. Or lovers.
Lena knew that she was playing with fire, that she would eventually get burned, but she couldn't bother to care.
Right now, she only wanted Cat.


A/N: my girlfriend just broke up with me🥲 (at least I can date older women now)

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