Chapter Eight

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Lena was mad.

So mad that she didn't even reply to Cat's apology message that she received later that night. Instead, she texted James. He asked her to go out and party and even though Lena wanted to stay in, she agreed. Maybe this would make Cat upset. It probably wouldn't, but a girl could dream.

The party was boring and she regretted going after twenty minutes already.
She was sitting at the bar, drinking whatever she was handed. She would probably have no memories of tonight, but she couldn't bother to care.

"Hey gorgeous.", a sweet voice next to her said.
The woman looked a little older than Lena, probably a senior.

"Hi.", Lena smiled at the woman, the alcohol in her blood making it hard for her to think straight.

"What are you doing here all alone?", she asked.

"Just drinking."

Lena had the best idea. It was probably horrible, but Lena didn't think about the consequences.
"Can we take a picture?", she asked.
She would make Cat jealous. Make her regret that she did that to Lena.

"Uh sure."

Lena managed to take a blurry selfie with the woman kissing her on her cheek.
She didn't even wait until she was sobered up, but instead sent it straight to Cat.

"Wait, is that your ex?", the woman asked, her eyebrows raised.

Lena wasn't even lying. She still hoped that it would make Cat jealous. Even if they were not dating. Not that they could ever do that. But Lena could still hope.

"Ah, fuck younger girls."

Lena watched her leave with a shrug. She didn't understand her problem and she also couldn't bother to care.
She spotted James heading towards her, a little tipsy as well.

"Lena, are you having fun?", he asked.

"It's so boring.", Lena complained.
She wanted to be with Cat. She would even sit through class right now just to be with her.

"It really is. Let's do something fun."

Lena raised her eyebrows, frowning gently.
"What do you have in my mind?"

"Come with me."

The girl didn't complain and followed him, grabbing a bottle of liquor to take with her.
As they left the party, Lena got chills since the air outside was icy. She should've taken a jacket with her.

They stumbled through the streets until James stopped in front of a huge house.
"They have a nice pool, let's go for a swim."

"James, I don't think-", Lena complained.
She was drunk but still able to know that this was wrong. Trespassing could have serious consequences.

"C'mon, this will be fun."

Lena sighed. She wanted James to stay her friend and if this was what needed to be done, she would do it. Even though the idea of jumping into someone's pool was certainly not appealing for her.

They climbed over the fence and James immediately undressed, throwing his clothes on the meadow.

Lena hesitated. She rather drank from the bottle in her hands and watched James jump into the water.

"It's fun!", he tried to convince her, splashing some water at her.

"I'm a little tipsy, so maybe I shouldn't.", she managed to get out.
The bottle was almost empty and the world was spinning in front of her eyes. Lena had to sit down on the meadow and close her eyes for a second. She felt horrible.

Loud sounds filled the night, causing Lena to cringe.
Police sirens? She was probably imagining things. But as James got out of the pool and quickly threw on his clothes again, she realized that it was in fact the police.

James was running before Lena could react. She was too drunk to be able to run away as well. It was too late.


Spending the night in jail was nothing Lena desired.
But here she was, sitting in a cell with other women that looked intimidating, only wearing a short dress that barely covered anything.
She wished to be somewhere else. And sober.
She tried to hold back tears, she didn't want to seem weak, but the alcohol made it hard.

Finally, an officer let her out of the cell.
"You get one call. If no one answers, you'll have to spent the night in jail.", he explained.

Lena just nodded, her throbbing head bothering her. She wanted nothing but to sleep. In a safe environment.
As she was holding the phone in her hand, she thought about who to call. Petra was probably asleep. James had left her behind. And she didn't know anyone's number.
Expect Cat's. She knew Cat's number.
With shaky hands, she dialed her number, hoping that she would answer the phone.

"Cat?", she asked, her voice timid.

"Are you okay?"
Cat sounded worried. Even now in Lena's vulnerable state, it made her heart beat a little faster.

"No... I'm in jail.", she managed to get out.

A sigh came from the other side of the line.
"I'm coming to pick you up."

Time passed incredibly slowly while waiting for Cat.
Lena felt so uncomfortable that she almost started crying out of relief when an officer came and took her with him.
She surely was too drunk to be aware of the danger she had been in, but she knew that she never wanted to experience something like this again.

Cat was waiting for her, raising her eyebrows as she watched Lena trying to walk in a straight line.

"Cat, I'm so glad you're here.", Lena mumbled.

Cat didn't say anything as she simply took her by the hand and pulled her with her. She was angry. Lena felt like a little child that was being scolded. That received the silent treatment.
She wanted Cat to yell at her. Because she deserved it. Yelling was all she knew. But Cat wasn't yelling and it confused her. Scared her a little.

"C'mon, get into the car." , Cat said, her voice a little softer now.


A/N: omg I met this girl and she's so cute and perfect and she literally would talk you through it (I know her for two days)

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