Chapter Seventeen

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Lena was woken up by Cat running to the bathroom the next morning. She heard her throw up, then the toilet flushing and water running.
A few seconds later, Cat came back, wiping her mouth.

"Are you okay?", Lena asked, getting a nod in response.

"I'm okay, just a little sick."

Wordlessly, Lena handed her a bottle of aspirin, watching her take two at once.
Cat then sat down next to her again.
Their eyes didn't meet, their hands didn't touch. Not a word was said.

"I'm so sorry, Lena.", Cat then couldn't bear the silence anymore.

"We can't change it, can we?", Lena sighed. She didn't want to talk about it. She knew that her heart would probably betray her. She would be angry with Cat and she would push her away and then everything would be worse than before.

"But it's all my fault and I feel bad for putting you on the spot."

"You were drunk.", Lena shrugged it off.
She didn't blame Cat. Maybe a little. But she didn't want to be angry. Though she was.

"That's not an excuse.", Cat said.
Her tone made Lena so annoyed that she had to bite her tongue before saying the next thing.

"What do you want me to do? Be mad? I don't want to hurt you by yelling at you."

"Yelling doesn't scare me, Lena.",  Cat said, unimpressed.

"No, but it scares me."

Cat didn't answer, she just moved closer to Lena, then she gently put an arm around her. As much as Lena wanted to push her away, she couldn't. She melted into the touch, enjoying the warmth on her skin.
She really was pathetic.

"Did you mean what you said last night?", Lena quietly asked. She was scared of the answer.

"What did I say?", Cat frowned.
She didn't even remember. How embarrassing. Lena was making such a big deal out of it meanwhile Cat didn't even care.

"Oh forget it.", she quickly said.

"No, tell me.", Cat was curiously eyeing her.

"It doesn't matter, okay?", Lena snapped.

"It must've been something important.", her voice was gentle and it made Lena almost desperate.
It was important. At least for her. It probably wasn't for Cat. And that was the problem.

"You said you liked me.", Lena quietly said.

"Of course I like you. As a friend. I don't date my students."

Lena could feel her heart shatter. Break into a million pieces. Heartbreak was the first emotion. Anger the second.

"No, but you fuck them?", she asked.
Why was she so emotional? It should be casual. But it wasn't. Cat was treating her so well, taking care of her, showing her love. And now she was just pushing her away? Telling her that they could never be more than friends?

"Usually not. Please understand that I cannot like you, Lena."
Cat was still so calm and Lena couldn't understand how she seemed to care so little.

"Why are you doing this to me, Cat? Do you want to embarrass me? Because fine, it worked."
The girl had to hold back tears. She was so hurt.

"No, of course not. I just have to be reasonable."

"Just leave me alone."
Lena wanted to be alone. She wanted to cry. She wanted to drown in her own sorrow.

"I'm not going to leave you while you're clearly upset."

"See, that's what I mean. You act like you don't care about me and then you say stuff like this."
Lena didn't get her. Why couldn't she just be mean to her? Make it easy for her.
Because Lena did like her a lot. She wanted to be with her, she wanted to be more than just friends.

"Because I do care. I just can't date you.", Cat tried to explain.

"I don't want to be your fucktoy."
Lena turned away, hiding the tears in her eyes. The last thing she wanted was to embarrass herself in front of Cat by crying.
If she didn't care, so could Lena.

"That's not what you are."

"Then what am I to you, huh?"

Cat wanted to answer but the door opened, causing them to become quiet.

"Good morning?", Petra raised her eyebrows as she closed the door behind her, "Trouble in paradise?"

"Leave it alone.", Lena just said.
This was getting even worse.

Petra just raised an eyebrow, her glance switching between Cat and Lena.
"I want an explanation now.", she then said.

"Well, apparently I'm good enough to fuck.", Lena crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Lena.", Cat tried to calm her down with a sigh.

"Okay? So let me get this straight. You're having sex with our professor and you.", Petra pointed at Cat, "are not feeling guilty."

"We met at a bar before she was my student.", Cat explained.

"Gross. She's like 10 years younger than you."

"You cannot talk, I know you sleep with older men.", Lena interrupted her.
She might have been mad at Cat, but she would still defend her nevertheless.

"Alright alright. I hope you're not doing that anymore."

"No, we're not.", Cat quickly said before Lena could say anything she would regret later.

"Good. Because I would have to report that."

"Please don't do that.", Lena begged.
She didn't get how Cat could be this calm. Was this something she experienced frequently? Maybe she wasn't the only student Cat had an inappropriate relationship with.

"You're my friend, Lena. That's why I'm worrying."

"I appreciate that.", Lena faked a smile. She was angry at Cat but she didn't want to get her into trouble.
"Maybe you should leave now.", she said to Cat, her face not showing any emotions.

"Yeah. I'm sorry this happened.", Cat said with a look at Petra, then she turned around and left the room.

Lena felt her heart break again. This felt like a last goodbye. Why did it feel like that?
Maybe because she was now faced with the ugly truth. Cat and her could never be together.
She didn't talk a word with Petra, instead she curled up in her bed and stayed there for the rest of the day.


A/N: wrote this in 10 mins cuz I'm so busy omg 💔

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