Chapter Nine

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The car ride was silent.
Lena was staring out of the window, her pounding head bothering her.

Cat was furious. She didn't know how to start a conversation without yelling at Lena, something she didn't want to do.

"What were you thinking?", she then asked, trying to keep her voice down. Lena was not fully sobered up, still a little tipsy and she remembered the last time she had been drunk. She didn't want to upset her.

"Not much.", Lena replied truthfully. It was out of character for her to not overthink everything she did, but alcohol seemed to have this effect on her.

"Yeah, nothing at all probably. You drank away all of the brain cells that were left.", Cat hissed. How could Lena be joking around after she had spent hours in jail? She should have been shattered, but apparently, she wasn't.

"You're being so mean.", Lena recognized, her lips forming a pout.

"Guess why? Do you know what I would've done if I didn't have to bail you out of jail?"

"Sleep with other college girls?"

"Lena!", she yelled, startling the girl.
It was finally the reaction Lena had expected. That didn't meant that it didn't hurt. Yelling always reminded her of her mother.

"Don't yell at me.", she quietly said, almost pleaded.

"You give me every reason to do so."
Cat turned her head for a moment, seeing tears in Lena's eyes.

"Oh please, don't cry now."
Cat didn't mean to hurt her. Especially not while she was so vulnerable.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know who else to call, your number is the only one I knew.", Lena explained.

"By heart?"

"I stare at your contact sometimes."

Cat just sighed, shaking her head gently. This girl was driving her crazy in the worst ways possible. She was confusing and annoying, but Cat couldn't help but worry about her whenever there was something concerning.

"I don't think that's the way back to college.", Lena recognized as she had made herself familiar with their surroundings, frowning at Cat.

"You're in no state to be there. I'm taking you home.", the woman explained.
She hoped that Lena wouldn't complain and just accept that it was the safest option.

"Are we going to have-"

"No, Lena. Shut up."

For once, Lena actually listened to her order, staying quiet for the rest of the ride. She was getting tired, the night in jail had had an effect on her body. She had her eyes shut, almost drifted off as she felt the car stop.

"Lena, we're here.", Cat gently shook her arm to wake her up again. She watched Lena unbuckle herself and get out of the car. She was still stumbling a little but refused any help, making her way into the apartment slowly.

"Your drawings are gorgeous.", she finally had time to tell her, sitting down in the hallway underneath a drawing of a tiger. Cat sighed at her, grabbing her by the shoulders to pull her up again.

"Thank you. Wouldn't you want to sleep in a bed though?"

"No, I like the hallway.", Lena mumbled, amazed by all of her pictures.

"Yeah, we're getting you to bed."
Gently, she pulled Lena closer and took her to her own bedroom, where Lena dropped herself onto the bed and didn't move an inch. Cat helped her to take off her shoes and even convinced her to change into more comfortable clothes.

After Lena was settled in her bed, Cat wished her a good night and wanted to leave the room.

"What are you doing?", Lena asked, genuinely confused.

"I'm sleeping in the guest room.", Cat shrugged.

"Can't you stay with me?"

Cat sighed.
"I don't think that's a good idea.", she explained.

Lena frowned, cocking her head slightly.
Of course she knew the reason. She just wanted Cat to stay. She wanted someone to be with her, someone to hold her.

"You know why."

Lena pouted softly, putting on her best puppy dog eyes.
"Please. I just don't want to be alone."

Cat had to think about it for some minutes. She would regret this in the morning. But she also couldn't resist Lena. Fuck it. Cat crawled under the covers next to her, their shoulders brushing softly. Lena's body was warm against her own as the girl moved closer immediately, cuddling up next to her. Cat could feel her breath against her skin, so close that she could hear Lena's heartbeat. This was new to her.

Even when Lena had been fully drunk and exhausted from their intercourse, she had sent her away. Cat didn't let people stay over, she especially didn't stay in the same bed as them.

But Lena was different. Lena was vulnerable and delicate, and she was so comfortable next to her.

"You smell nice.", Lena muzzled into her neck, causing chills to run down Cat's back.

"Get some sleep, darling.", she just said.

"Okay.", Lena agreed, cuddling even closer to her. She soon fell asleep, a dreamless night where Cat was holding her the entire time. She heard Lena's breathing slow down, guessing that she had drifted off, sighing gently.

What was wrong with her? Why didn't she just drop her off at college and called it a night? She had no business caring for Lena, she was her student, and she shouldn't feel anything for her. But she did. She felt. More than she ever had. She wanted to take care of Lena, protect her, and she wanted to kiss her. But she couldn't. They had to keep things professional. Right now, Lena was so close that she couldn't possibly call anything professional. And she was well aware of that. She couldn't get too attached. But maybe she already was.


A/N: you guys are my personal diary sooo...
I met another cute girl and she's basically the polar opposite of me (she would call me emo if she saw me in the streets ngl)
But why not give it a try ig😋

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