Chapter Sixteen

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Lena wanted nothing else but to sleep.
After fighting with Petra about who could use the bathroom first, both of them were finally in their beds and really to sleep.

Petra was still on her phone and Lena was reading a book, her tired eyes betraying her every once in a while. The letters started to blur, a swirl of words she couldn't identify.

A knock on the door caused both of them to frown and share a confused glance. Who could be in front of their door that late?
Lena was the first one to get up and open the door. A memory of the last horror movie she had watched flashed in front of her eyes but she quickly shook her head. It was pathetic to be scared of whoever was knocking on their door.
What happened next made her wish that a serial killer would be their guest instead.
Lena almost felt herself fainting as she saw who was standing in front of her.

"Cat?!", she let out, her voice high pitched.
This couldn't be happening. Cat was the careful one, Cat was the strategic one, the one who watched out. And now Cat was here, obviously not thinking about the consequences of her presence.

"Hi Lena."
The woman had a grin on her face, Lena could immediately tell that she was completely wasted.

"Cat, you can't be here.", she quietly said, hoping that Cat would just turn around and leave again. But of course she wouldn't.

"Who's that?", Petra curiously asked, hearing a familiar voice.

Lena prayed that Cat would be smart, would not say a word. But the woman stepped inside the room and waved at the girl sitting on her bed.
"Oh hi Petra."

Petra's eyes widened, her glance switched from Cat to Lena in a few seconds.
"Lena explain this to me now."

"We're not... we're just friends."
Lena's red cheeks betrayed her.

"Friends? With a professor? Are you crazy?"

"It's not like that."
Lena knew that she couldn't talk herself out of this, but she tried nevertheless. She had to.
This couldn't actually happen. Petra was a nice roommate but Lena knew that she couldn't keep her mouth shut. Especially when it was about stuff like this.

"Oh really? You're fucking Miss Munoz?"
Petra looked shocked, almost disgusted.
It made Lena suddenly feel embarrassed.
Was she so desperate for attention, so badly craving affection that she had to sleep with her professor?

"I'm not doing that.", she timidly said.

"Yeah, totally not doing that!", Cat was giggling again, holding onto Lena for support.
Lena could've killed her.

"I will sleep at a friend's place tonight. Sort this stuff out.", Petra shook her head in disbelief, grabbing her phone and her pillow.

"Petra, please don't tell anyone.", Lena begged.
There was still hope that Petra would maybe think it was a quirky thing to do and just ignore it, but it was naive to think that way.

"I won't. But you have to explain everything to me tomorrow."

Lena sighed, then she nodded. They were safe for now. Hopefully. She waited until Petra had closed the door behind her, then she snapped.
"Do you know what you have done?", she almost yelled at Cat.

"Nothing.", Cat just shrugged, obviously not bothered by Lena being upset.
She sat down on her bed, inspecting the pillows and the blankets.
"So cozy.", she mumbled before lying down.

"You could lose your job. Or go to jail. We fucked up big time.", Lena ran her hand through her hair, swallowing down tears of desperation.
Scenarios of what could happen flashed through her head. They certainly weren't the good kind.

"It will be fine, Lena baby. Don't worry.", Cat placed a warm hand on Lena's shoulder, but Lena shook it off.

"Don't call me that when I'm mad at you.", she just said, biting her tongue.

"Then don't be mad, darling.", Cat purred.

Lena took deep breaths. She didn't want to yell at her. She was better than that. She wasn't like her mother. And Cat was simply drunk. There was no way that they could have a productive conversation right now. Maybe Cat would be more helpful when she was sober again.

"Why did you get so drunk?", Lena asked, her voice calmer now.

"I missed you.", Cat admitted.

A crinkle formed on Lena's forehead.
"No, you didn't."

Cat gently booped the crinkle with one finger, giggling as Lena flinched at the touch.
"Yes, baby. I like you so much.", she explained.

Lena's cheek turned dark red in a second. What did that mean? Like her as in liking her more than just a friend?
She didn't want to overthink it, Cat was drunk and saying things she didn't mean.

"You should get some rest, Cat."

"Whatever you say, love."

Love. Now she had called her love. This was going too far. Lena knew herself. Knew that she couldn't resist kissing those pink lips if Cat called her another pet name. But Cat was drunk and Lena didn't want her to regret anything later. She needed to be responsible and simply make her rest.
"Please just stop talking."

"Don't you like my voice? Don't you like me?", Cat pouted. Lena wondered if she could be any more adorable.

"I like everything about you, Cat. But you should really sleep it off now.", she said gently. Even if Cat didn't mean what she was saying, Lena surely did.

"Only if you sleep with me. In a bed, I mean."

"Okay", Lena accepted her defeat and simply lay down next to the woman.
Cat immediately cuddled close to her, her hair tickling against Lena's neck. It took her some seconds to stop moving, then she closed her eyes.
Lena watched her, admiring how beautiful she looked when she was drunk.

Cat's body was warm against her own. The smell of alcohol was intoxicated, but Lena knew that Cat needed this right now. 
And Cat had done it for her as well.
Lena would always make sure that Cat was okay because she knew that Cat would do the same thing.
Even if it meant that Lena wouldn't sleep tonight.
It was kind of funny. Both of them seemed to not have anyone that cared for them. But now they had each other.
At least in Lena's head they did.


A/N: I'm moving out in a few weeks and I wanna get budgies😋😋 would naming them Lex and Clark be too nerdy?
And thank you for 30k reads 🥹🥹

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