Chapter Fifteen

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The weather had been horrible for a few days already. It had been raining non stop and the sky was grey.
Lena hated that kind of weather.
She had debated on skipping classes today, but had told herself that she needed to get a grip.
She was an adult and some silly rain and lighting couldn't just throw her off like that.

As she sat in Cat's class, the rain got heavier. One had a hard time understanding the professor and it was so dark that they had to turn on the lights.
Cat was explaining something about a novel they had read, Lena had a hard time listening.
A thunder cut her off.

Lena was startled, her hands trying to hold the cold wooden surface of the table she was sitting at.
This was ridiculous. She was ridiculous. Of course she wasn't scared of a little thunder.
But she was.

Lena felt how her face turned pale, she tried her hardest not to panic. Luckily the lesson was almost over and she could leave the class. Lena hurried as if she was chased by the devil, heading straight to her room. Skipping class was not what she had planned for today, but she couldn't help herself.
Petra obviously wasn't there and for once Lena really wished she was.

Maybe being on her phone would distract her from the horror going on outside. As she wanted to turn on a video, a message popped up.

Cat: Everything alright?

Cat: you seemed scared today in class

Lena slightly rolled her eyes. She didn't need Cat to know about this embarrassing fear of hers. Especially not Cat.

Lena: I wasn't scared

But Lena was. And denying it wouldn't help her. Maybe Cat would know what to do. And it was Cat. Cat wasn't judging her.

Lena: okay a little maybe

Cat: of the thunder?

Lena: just a childhood thing

Lena waited a few seconds before she typed the next message.

Lena: honestly I'm still scared

Cat left her on read. Just left her. Lena let out a sigh. Of course this was too much. Of course Cat would think that she was weird. Lena dropped her phone, trying her hardest not to cry.
She really was a mess. She didn't know for how long she had sat like this, but a knock on the door started her again.

"Come in.", she said in a quiet voice, frowning as she saw a familiar face.

Cat's features softened as she saw the girl in front of her.
Lena's face was pale, she was sitting on her bed, her legs pulled up, her arms wrapped around them.

"Are you alright?", she asked and sat down next to her.

"It's so embarrassing.", Lena just mumbled.
Another thunder and she basically jumped.
Cat was quick to react and pull her into a hug, holding her tightly.

"You're allowed to be scared. We all are."

"But it's so embarrassing.", Lena repeated herself.

"No it's not. With me you can always be scared."

Tears formed in Lena's eyes. Tears of feeling loved. For the first time in forever. Well, that wasn't completely true. With Cat she always felt like that.

"Thank you.", she rested her head on Cat's shoulder. The fabric of her pullover was itchy and the perfume was heavy in her nose, but it felt like Cat and it made her feel safe.

"Mind telling me what's the reason behind your fear?", Cat carefully asked.

Lena sighed.
"It's just... I was home alone once during a horrible thunder storm. I called my mother but she didn't answer the phone. Until she was home again, I hid underneath my bed with all of my stuffed animals. And now I just feel paralyzed whenever I hear the sound of thunder."

Cat had started to play with Lena's hair. It felt nice. Somehow as if they were close. The woman stopped as she wanted to answer.
"I promise you that I will never leave you alone during a thunder storm."

"I know, Cat.", Lena smiled softly.

For the rest of the time, they sat in silence, holding each other tight. Lena was less scared. At least a little. She closed her eyes, just feeling Cat next to her, blending out the rest of the world.

"Look, the sky is clearing up again.", Cat then gently said, wondering if Lena was asleep.

Lena nodded, opening her eyes again. It was over. She was safe again. Cat had held her through the storm. Had made her feel okay.

"We should get back to class. Skipping is not a good option, especially not for a professor.", Cat chuckled. She got up from the bed, heading for the door.

"Cat.", Lena said in a serious voice, causing the woman to turn around and hum in response.
"You risked getting caught."

"Getting caught doing what? Sitting with you?"
The woman came closer, now standing in front of Lena and looking down at her.

"You know damn well."
Lena hated that Cat wasn't taking this seriously. They could get in so much trouble if she they weren't careful enough.

Cat sighed.
"You're right, Lena. I'm sorry, I should've asked you first."

"Just don't come to my dorm room again. I don't want you to get in trouble.", Lena said.

The woman had to chuckle. Lena raised an eyebrow.

"It's cute that you care about me."

"Of course, I like you."
Her cheeks turned red as she realized how her words had sounded. She didn't like her like that. Or did she? Of course she did. She did like her. More than a friend.
"I mean as a friend.", Lena quickly added.

Cat started to grin.
"Sure. As a F.Y.LF."

"What's that?", Lena frowned. She had never heard that word before.

"Friend you'd like to fuck.", Cat explained.

Lena's cheeks couldn't turn even more red.
"Good bye, Cat. There's the door."
This woman was driving her crazy.

The woman chuckled and blew her a kiss before she left the room, leaving Lena still embarrassed but now a little flustered.


A/N: hope you guys are okay and sorry for not updating <3

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