Chapter Fourteen

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It was over.
Lena let out a relieved sigh as she saw her mother's car leave in the distance, slowly getting smaller.
Of course she loved her mother. But it was surely unpleasant to be around her.
Hurtful even.

The first thing Lena did when she was back in her room was to lie down on her bed and close her eyes. Silence. Peace. At least for a second.
Because then she had to think about Cat.

She had been avoiding her ever since that night. Because she was ashamed. Ashamed that Cat had seen her like this. Had seen her vulnerable.
Even though Cat had been so sweet about it.
Lena sighed.
She would eventually have to talk to Cat. Not participating in her class was definitely not a long term option and ignoring her messages seemed harsh.
Staring at Cat's last message, she thought of something to say.

Cat: Lena, are you alright? Did I upset you?

Lena: No, you didn't, I'm sorry. I'm just really embarrassed

Cat took some time to reply and Lena got a little anxious.

Cat: Don't be :) you didn't do anything wrong

Lena: Thank you, you're the sweetest

Lena regretted that last sentence immediately. She sounded like she was flirting. Of course she wasn't. Or was she?
Three dots popped up, but then they disappeared. Cat seemed to not want to text her.

She turned off her phone as she was startled by the sound of the door opening. Petra was back from one of her boyfriends. Or hook ups. Lena wasn't quite sure.
The girl looked around the room, letting out a sigh.

"Is your mother gone?", she asked.
Petra had been disliking her mother from the beginning. To be fair, her mother hadn't been exactly nice to Petra. She had even called her a slut when Petra wasn't around.
Personally, Lena didn't mind that Petra liked to try things out. She somehow envied her. Because she was stuck with the same person and she couldn't get her out of her head.

Lena just nodded, knowing what would come next.

"Thanks god. No offense, but your mother's a bitch."

Lena had to hold back a laughter because Petra was completely right. Her mother could be horrible. Especially when she was angry.

"I said no offense.", Petra shrugged.

"No, you're right. She's a pain in the ass."

Petra giggled.
She dropped herself on the bed and started to take off her clothes.
Lena looked away because she didn't want to invade her privacy. Growing up she had always felt like a predator when looking at other girls. Though she never had any bad thoughts. It was the shame of being gay, she guilt, the disgust.
Lena hated it.

"James wanted to talk to you.", Petra said as she slipped her sleeping shirt over her head.

"Tell him that I don't want to talk to him.", Lena stubbornly replied.
She had been avoiding James as well.
Somehow this seemed to be a hidden talent she had.

"Tell him yourself. C'mon, he left you at a swimming pool, it's no big deal."

Lena did think that it was a big deal.
Maybe she was being overdramatic. But it really hurt that James had just left her there.
"I went to jail for that."

"Who bailed you out anyway?"

Lena froze. What would she say now?
"Uhm, no one."

"You said you didn't spend the night in jail. So who did it?", Petra curiously asked.

"I can't tell you, Petra."
Hopefully she would just drop it.

"Let me guess, Miss Munoz!"

Lena's cheeks turned the darkest shade of red. She let out a hysterical giggle.
"No, of course not. That's bullshit."

"C'mon, you've been giving her heart eyes for ages."

How did she know? She couldn't possibly know. Lena had tried to hard to be careful. But apparently she wasn't as sly as she wanted to be.
"No, I do not. She's our professor!"

"So? Age is just a number.", Petra grinned .

"Why would you even say something like that?"

"You know I'm joking, right, Lena? It would be disgusting to have a relationship with a professor. And illegal as well."

The worst thing was that Petra was right.
It was illegal. And maybe disgusting too.
But Lena needed Cat. She couldn't stop thinking about her.

"Whatever. I will go to bed.", Lena just said.

"Did I hurt your feelings? I was really just joking, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, I'm just tired.", she quickly lied.
Petra didn't hurt her feelings. She just made her feel even more ashamed. And that was worse.

"Okay. Good night."

"Good night."

Lena turned around, closing her eyes, pretending to sleep. She waited until she heard Petra softly snoring, a sign that she was asleep. Only then she dared to grab her phone and turn it on again.

Lena stared at Cat's contact for a while, before she made a bold decision.
She took a photo of her tanged in the sheets and sent it to Cat. The only thing visible were her Brandy Melville shorts and her white shirt that one could see her nipple through.

Lena: [photo] wish you were here right now

Cat was online, she read the message immediately.

Cat: you can't just send me photos like that when I'm home alone

Lena: I can do whatever I want ;)

Cat: Didn't seem like that when you were tied up on my bed...

Lena blushed, smiling softly at the memory.

Lena: touché

Cat: get some rest, darling

Cat: you seemed tired today in class

Lena: my mother's been keeping me up

Lena: but she's gone now:)

Cat: then waste no time and close your pretty eyes

Cat: good night, Lee

Lee. She had called her Lee. No one had ever called her that.

Lena: good night<3


A/N: I graduated high school and my mother isn't even excited even tho I have all A's :( like girl you could at least pretend to like me😭 anyway thank you guys for 20k reads ily all sm <3

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